Posts Tagged ‘GMO’

How to detox glyphosate (Roundup) from your body

Monday, February 4th, 2019

By Catherine Haug, Feb 4, 2019

I just wrote an exciting post for my personal blog, Cat’s Kitchen: How to detox glyphosate (Roundup) from your body. The method involves a simple daily dose of the supplement: glycine powder (glycine is an amino acid).

It can also help to increase your effective glutathione levels (the most important detox agent in your body), as described in the posting.

Lastly, the article also provides information on testing for glyphosate levels in your body.

Check it out!

Proposed Food-labeling Term for GMO/GE Foods: Bio-Engineered

Saturday, May 19th, 2018


By Catherine Haug, May 19, 2018 (image, right, from Organic Consumers Association and used by permission)

This is an important alert for all who want to avoid GMO foods. Please share this with others, and write to your legislators about proposed use of this new term on genetically modified foods.

Because GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) and GE (Genetically Engineered) are now commonly known as foods to avoid, the USDA has proposed a different term  for a new labeling law (2018) to replace GMO or GE: Bio-Engineered (BE). This newer term, while fairly common in scientific circles, has not been used much in common parlance. It also does not sound as scary as the more familiar terms. Hence if people see this on a food label, they will be less likely to refuse it.

But have no doubt about it: BE foods are just as harmful for your health and that of your pets and livestock, as GMO or GE foods.

Read on for more about the negative impact of these terms. See also: “Food Evolution”: New GMO technology even worse than Roundup-resistance and How much glyphosate is in your body? (more…)

Online documentary-series: GMOs Revealed

Saturday, March 17th, 2018


By Catherine Haug, March 17, 2018, and updated same date, for the start date of the series (Image, right, used by permission from the Organic Consumer’s Association)

This new 9-part series, hosted by Dr. Patrick Gentempo, will be available for free viewing beginning today, March 17, 2018  The first episode (almost 2 hours long) is available now (the version on YouTube (1) says Aug 22-30, but that was in 2017). They must be doing a replay now, or this could be an updated version . This first episode features interviews with Dr. Zach Bush, Vani Hari, and Gunnar Lovelace.

You can register (2) to watch the entire 9-part series, GMOs Revealed, for free, prior to the  date the series premier begins, and also any day during the 9-days (but you may not be able to see prior days’ episodes). Each day, a new episode is up for 24 hours and the previous day’s episode is no longer available, for a total of 9 episodes in 9 days. See reference 2 for the link to register for this free showing. (more…)

GMO ‘Arctic Apple” now in grocery stores

Wednesday, November 22nd, 2017


by Catherine Haug, Nov 22, 2017 (Image, right, from OCA and used with permission)

HEADS-UP! I wrote about the pending introduction of the GMO Arctic Apple last year, and now it is in about 400 grocery stores in the Midwest, and will soon spread through the country. This apple is genetically engineered to resist browning when cut/sliced. Initially, this Arctic Apple will be sold cut – in 10-oz bags, but in the future could be sold whole. They will not be labeled as “GMO;” instead, you will need to use a cell phone to read the QR code.

This new variety, developed by Okanagan Specialty Fruits, are engineered to suppress the production of the enzyme polyphony oxides (PPO), that causes the browning of the apple’s flesh when exposed to air. 

While the assumption is that a browned apple is a bad apple, that assumption is not true.


How much glyphosate is in your body?

Sunday, October 29th, 2017

By Catherine Haug, October 29, 2017 (Image, right, by C. Haug based on similar image on an Oregon Right To Know email)

Monsanto’s Roundup contains the herbicide glyphosate, which is sprayed on crops all across the US. Those GMO crops that are Roundup-Resistant have the highest levels of glyphosate. Why should you care about this?

Glyphosate is a patented antibiotic, which means that when you consume foods that contain glyphosate, you are disrupting the microbiome in your gut by killing-off not only the bad bugs but also the good ones that your health depends upon. The good bacteria in your gut help you to digest your food, and play a major role for your immune system (among their many benefits).

When your microbiome is out of balance, you are at risk for many scary diseases including dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancer, and more. Children with disrupted microbiome are more at risk for ADHD and autism. But its harm doesn’t stop there; as Hippocrates once stated, “All disease begins in the gut.” Science now knows that is because all disease can be traced back to your gut’s microbiome. (more…)

Dicamba pesticide for GMO crops causing trouble for trees and bees

Tuesday, October 24th, 2017


By Catherine Haug, Oct 24, 2017 (Image, right, from Organic Consumers Association, used with permission; photo below from Bug-Guide)

GMO Alert!

When Roundup-resistant GMO crops like corn, soy, cotton and canola started to get sick, Monsanto developed Roundup Ready Xtend cotton and soy, and you can be sure that cotton and canola will follow. This new GMO is resistant not only to Roundup but also Dicamba herbicide. There is much concern that use of this herbicide may be even more troublesome for bees and certain trees. (more…)