Posts Tagged ‘GE’

Proposed Food-labeling Term for GMO/GE Foods: Bio-Engineered

Saturday, May 19th, 2018


By Catherine Haug, May 19, 2018 (image, right, from Organic Consumers Association and used by permission)

This is an important alert for all who want to avoid GMO foods. Please share this with others, and write to your legislators about proposed use of this new term on genetically modified foods.

Because GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) and GE (Genetically Engineered) are now commonly known as foods to avoid, the USDA has proposed a different term  for a new labeling law (2018) to replace GMO or GE: Bio-Engineered (BE). This newer term, while fairly common in scientific circles, has not been used much in common parlance. It also does not sound as scary as the more familiar terms. Hence if people see this on a food label, they will be less likely to refuse it.

But have no doubt about it: BE foods are just as harmful for your health and that of your pets and livestock, as GMO or GE foods.

Read on for more about the negative impact of these terms. See also: “Food Evolution”: New GMO technology even worse than Roundup-resistance and How much glyphosate is in your body? (more…)

International Monsanto Tribunal

Saturday, December 10th, 2016


By Catherine Haug, December 10, 2016 (Image, right, from Organic Consumers Association (6) used with permission)

Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) and Genetically Engineered (GE) foods are very common in today’s processed food supply and have even invaded the produce section. States have tried to halt it by passing laws requiring labelling of such foods, but last July, those efforts were invalidated by a sham GMO-labelling law passed by Congress and signed by our President. This law did not specifically require text stating the product contains GMO/GE ingredients, but rather allows printing of an 800-number or QR codes for more information. (See my article Pres. Obama signed the Dark Act (faulty GMO-labeling law) for more).

In October 2016, countries around the world participated in the International Monsanto Tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands. This “Tribunal was a show of international solidarity for a regenerative food and agriculture system — the antithesis of Monsanto’s toxic, degenerative model.” (1) The tribunal cannot impose penalties, nor is it a mock-trial, but rather a citizens tribunal, which “have a long history of bringing justice to issues where governments etagere act corruptly or fail to act.” (1) This tribunal was based on the “Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights” adopted by the United Nations in 2011. It was “an international court of lawyers and judges  who assessed the potential criminal liability of Monsanto for damages inflicted on human health and the environment. [The tribunal’s] final verdicts can serve as foundation for future legal cases against not only Monsanto, but also Bayer, Syngenta, Dow and others.” (1)

Ronnie Cummins, International Director of the OCA and a member of the Regeneration International (5) steering committee. wrote: “Ultimately the People’s Assembly agreed that we need to not only get rid of Monsanto, but the entire degenerative system of food, farming and land use that is driving global warming, catastrophic droughts and floods, soil erosion, desertification, water shortages, mass biodiversity loss, rural poverty and war, and deteriorating public health. (4)

For more about the tribunal see references 2 – 5.

Stop GE/GMO Wheat

Saturday, December 10th, 2016


By Catherine Haug, Dec 10, 2016 (image, right, from Organic Consumers Association, used with permission)

The Montana Organic Association’s ‘Organic Matters‘ newsletter, Fall 2016 (1) included an article by Green America titled “Stop GE Wheat.” Its intent is to encourage people to sign a petition to prevent the introduction of genetically engineered (GE) wheat.

This campaign is critical to all of Montana’s wheat farmers who grow wheat for flour sold in the US, but also imported around the world. The types of GE wheat currently being developed/tested are herbicide-tolerant varieties, such as Roundup-ready. Note: wheat is in so many processed foods, not just breads and cookies. See Kids with Food Allergies (2) for list of what to look for on labels.

If this campaign is important to you, consider signing the petition at

NOTE: GE and GMO both refer to artificial modification of genes, producing varieties that could not otherwise be produced by breeding.

Read on for my transcription of the article. (more…)

Battle on GMO labeling making significant progress

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016


By Catherine Haug, May 17, 2016 (Image, right, from OCA, used with permission)

ESP has been a strong advocate of GMO labeling, and now it seems as though the battle is going through a much anticipated turning point. Andrew Kimbrell* has written a great article on this turn-around, (also available on Food Revolution Network website (1))  “In a Remarkable Triumph of Democracy Over Corporate Power, GMO Labeling Has Finally Arrived in the U.S.” This article is copied below, and can also be read (with a great photo) on the Food Revolution website (1).

‘* Andrew Kimbrell is an internationally recognized public interest attorney, public speaker, and author. He is the founder and Executive Director of Center for Food Safety. (2)

See also my recent related articles, and a link to all GMO articles on this site:

Read on for the Food Revolution article: (more…)

A win in the GMO battle: Campbell’s will voluntarily label GMOs

Thursday, January 14th, 2016

GMO-Label clearby Catherine Haug Jan 14, 2015 (Image, right Image by C. Haug based on similar image from Oregon Right To Know)

Campbells (the soup company) has just announced that it will label ALL its products that contain GMO ingredients using plain English on the packaging – not QR codes – in compliance with, and addition to, Vermont’s GMO labeling law. It is the first processed food company to break ranks with the biotech and food industries on the issue of mandatory labeling of GMOs. They will roll out their new labels over the next 12 – 18 months.

See their announcement: Why we support mandatory national GMO labeling (1) for more details.

The Organic Consumers Association (OCA) reports the following discussions on this announcement(2):  (more…)