by Catherine Haug, May 4, 2011
As we all prepare for pending flood (or other) emergency, it behooves us to have a simple first aid kit in our Grab & Go pack. Things like bandaids, etc. that are in run-of-the-mill first aid kits are certainly important. But there are also all-natural, herbal items that might come in handy, both for the Emergency pack and for use at home.
It’s always best, of course, to use what is native to our area, that we can glean when in season, then dry or use to make a tincture for later use. But there are some other items that are not native that we may already be using, that are handy healers, too.
First Aid Kit
In addition to the items in a traditional first aid kit (2):
- Bandaids in several sizes
- Sterile gauze and tape
- Antiseptic gel
- Alcohol-free cleansing wipes
- Disposable, non-latex sterile gloves
- Tweezers, scissors
- Thermometer (preferably digital)
- Eye shield
- Eye wash/bath (or eye cup)
- Cotton balls and cotton-tipped swabs
- Bar of real soap (real soap is antimicrobial)
Consider including natural/herbal medicinal items.
Natural Solutions Suggestions
Mercola featured an article today (based on one from Matador Network), titled “14 Natural Items for Your Alternative First Aid Kit”. He focused on a few of the 14, and provided the link to the Matador article for more:
- Echinacea (immune support, antibacterial)
- Goldenseal (antibiotic for open cuts and other infections; anti-parasitic; I also use it to relieve sinus congestion/sinus headache). Cat’s note: Oregon grape root has similar antibiotic properties and is native to our area. I keep a bottle of Swan Valley Herbs’ INF formula (goldenseal and Oregon grape root tincture)
- All Heal (salve or ointment)
- Ginger or peppermint tea (stomach troubles)
- Arnica as topical gel (remove bruises, bring down puffiness or swelling, and ease deep aches)
- Clove oil (dental numbing and anti-bacterial agent)
- Neem (soothe skin irritations, support oral hygiene, insect repellent, intestinal cleansing)
- Licorice tea (soothe sore throat and give a sluggish digestion a pick-me-up;) Cat’s note: this may raise your blood pressure, so don’t use if you have high blood pressure.
- Lavender oil (applied topically as natural headache and stress reliever, and to promote restful sleep)
- Plantain (applied topically in a salve for insect, spider and snake bites, or rashes; can also macerate fresh plantain leaves and hold over the affected area) Cat’s note: I keep a small jar of Swan Valley Herbs’ Plantain salve, but also know what live plantain looks like, so I can pick it as needed.
Mercola also added the following, which are part of my home first aid kit:
- Probiotics (immune booster, improve digestion; the best probiotics are cultured or fermented foods, but probiotic capsules are helpful in a Grab & Go pack)
- Hydrogen peroxide (for colds and flu; keep in a dark bottle and away from light)
I would add:
- Unrefined sea salt, such as Celtic sea salt, Redmond RealSalt, etc. (gargle, mineral balancing)
- Raw Honey (moisturizing, antibiotic, healing)
- Lemon (whole or juice, good with sea salt and/or honey for internal use)
- White willow bark (natural aspirin)
- Mullein (great for lung ailments by helping you to cough up stuff)
- Bitters, such as Swedish Bitters or Angostura Bitters, an excellent digestive aid. Most dark salad greens contain bitters. A glass of bitters and soda with lime is very refreshing on a hot day.
- Iodine tablets or Lugols solution (to purify water)
- Rus Tox (homeopathic; dissolve under the tongue for rash from poison ivy, etc.)
See also my recent post on Cats 4-Day Grab & Go Emergency Food Pack, which includes probiotic capsules (mentioned above) and also:
- Emergen-C
- Ionic Fizz
which provide minerals and vitamins in a mix-with-water (or juice) effervescent fizz. These are lightweight and very easy to toss into a kit.
Those of us who attended Ronny’s presentation on Herbs and their Traditional Uses, know of a few others that are native to this area, that we should all be collecting (if you didn’t attend, check out the Gathering summary link).
- Mayo Clinic first aid kit recommendations: