by Catherine Haug, April 30, 2011
(photo of Trio Bar from
After learning from Lana Nelson about what sorts of things to include in a 96-hour (4-day) emergency food pack earlier this week, I decided to go shopping for my own. While her recommendations are fine for most people, I have special needs as a hypoglycemic (insulin resistant) person. This health issue (related to diabetes) requires a diet high in fat and fiber, and moderately high in protein, especially animal protein, to stabilize my blood sugar. And I need adequate magnesium for my heart.
I don’t want to stock things I would never eat in the absence of an emergency, so I spent more than Lana’s $20 pack. I tried to avoid products with added sugar, preservatives and artificial ingredients, which is very hard to do when dealing with packaged foods. And I tried to buy Organic when possible.
Here’s what my 4-day pack looks like (without the water and first aid kit): (more…)