Archive for the ‘Post Topics’ Category

Storing and disposal of paint thinner

Monday, July 6th, 2015

By Catherine Haug, July 6, 2015

[OOPS, please forgive the typo in the original title: ‘pant thinner.’ I have corrected it and I hope that it gave you a chuckle.]

I have a plastic gallon container about half-full of paint thinner in my cool basement. Today when I went to the basement I could smell the fumes. It wasn’t strong, but it was there. Considering all the heat we’ve had and can probably expect for the rest of the summer, and the flammability of paint thinner, I was concerned. So I looked it up on the web to learn what to do and thought I’d share my learnings with you. (more…)

NYC 4th grader’s video about school lunches

Saturday, June 27th, 2015
Red Apple

Red Apple

by Catherine Haug, June 27, 2015 (Photo, right, from Wikimedia Commons)

I don’t pretend to be an expert on our national school lunch program, nor even what is served at our own local Bigfork Schools today. I do remember what was served when I was in school.

It seems that in New York City, things are much worse than what I experienced in 1950s-60s Bigfork Schools’ lunch room. Check out this entertaining 20 minute video by 4th grader Zachary Maxwell. (more…)

“Why are we being fed by a poison expert?”

Thursday, June 25th, 2015

By Catherine Haug, June 25, 2015 (The title of this post is a quote from the Food Revolution website (1))

Who might that expert be? And why is that statement true? Watch this video to find out. It’s only 5 minutes and it is “humorous, entertaining, and chillingly accurate”. (1)

If the video doesn’t appear below, you can find it on the Food Revolution (1) and The Guardian (2) websites. Please feel free to share this with others.

And Just say no to GMOs. (more…)

Glyphosate (Roundup) residues in food and in you

Saturday, June 13th, 2015
Dryland Farming - Palouse Hills

Dryland Farming – Palouse Hills

by Catherine Haug, June 13, 2015; updated Nov 2018 (Photo, right, from Wikimedia Commons)

The most common GMO crops are Roundup-Ready corn and soy. They can be sprayed with multiple heavy doses of the herbicide, and not die, while the weeds growing alongside them die immediately. When the crops are harvested, the glyphosate stays with the harvest and enters the human food chain through our modern processed foods. Our health suffers – especially our gut microbiome – and we wonder why.

Non-GMO grain crops are sprayed with glyphosate just before harvest as a desiccant (dead crops dry out faster than live ones). The consequence of this is evident in a recent EWG (Environmental Working Group) study that showed high levels of glyphosate in breakfast cereals such as Cheerios and Quaker Oats products (7).

It is getting impossible to avoid glyphosate (Roundup) and other toxic sprays used on crops.

I have long been opposed to GMOs, and the use of herbicide/pesticide sprays used on such crops. I’m an advocate of mandatory testing of foods for herbicide/pesticide residue, and mandatory labeling of GMOs. I’m constantly astonished at the number of people who believe the hype that GMOs are safe and are necessary to stop world hunger – even some people who operate restaurants in our area.

The EPA (US Environmental Protection Agency) recently announced US regulators (USDA) may soon start testing for glyphosate residues in food, due to rising consumer concerns about the health impact of this chemical. (1) Will the results be included on food labels?

Avoiding toxic plastic and other endocrine disruptors

Saturday, June 6th, 2015
BPA-Free Plastics

BPA-Free Plastics

By Catherine Haug, June 2015 (photo, right, from NPR (1))

Mercola (2) has an article about toxic chemicals (not just plastics), most of which are endocrine disruptors. That means that they either mimic the action of hormones from our endocrine system, or they block the cells’  binding sites for our natural hormones so they cannot do their job. It appears that the majority of these toxins affect the sex hormones, resulting in early puberty in boys and girls; low testosterone in mature males, and birth defects. Some also affect our digestive system.

See also my posts:

Read on for a listing of the 12 most common endocrine disruptors, and how to avoid them. (more…)

BPA in cans and store receipts: brands that do/don’t

Thursday, June 4th, 2015

By Catherine Haug, June 4, 2015

It’s been a few years since we first learned of the toxicity of bisphenol-A (BPA), a petroleum-based chemical used to make the epoxy resin linings of cans used for canned foods. “BPA is a synthetic estrogen that scientists have linked to breast cancer, reproductive damage, developmental problems, heart disease and other illnesses.” (4)

By now all food brands should have dropped this chemical, but sadly, most have not (see lists below).

If you are interested, EWG has a consumer petition to the 75+ major food brands that use BPA-lined cans (some are Organic brands), that you can sign (2), requesting:

As a concerned consumer and a supporter of EWG, I demand that you remove BPA from the cans of foods I eat. Your competitors are stepping up. Now it’s time you do too.

Did you know that many store receipts are coated with BPA that could transfer to and through your skin? (3)
