Archive for the ‘Post Topics’ Category

More Big Food companies pledge to label GMOs

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016


By Catherine Haug, March, 2016 (Image, right, used with permission from the Organic Consumers Association (2))

Despite efforts by congress to pass the DARK act (Deny Americans the Right to Know), which would stop Vermont from implementing their mandatory labeling law and prevent other states from following in their steps, Big Food is moving away from their opposition to labeling, with intent to begin labeling products that contain GMOs. First it was Campbell’s (see A win in the GMO battle: Campbell’s will voluntarily label GMOs), and now General Mills, Kellogg’s and Mars are following suit.

One of Big Food’s arguments against labeling has been that the cost would be prohibitive and would be passed on to the consumers. However, those companies that have crossed the battle line with their intent to label GMOS, admit “that the new GMO labels won’t lead to any price increases for consumers.” (1)

If you wish to thank these companies for their change of heart, and urge others to follow suit, sign the petition (see reference 2, below, for link. (more…)

Homemade hand sanitizer

Sunday, March 13th, 2016
Aloe vera plant

Aloe vera plant

By Catherine Haug, March 13, 2016 (Photo, right, from Wikimedia Commons)

I’m not fond of hand sanitizers because they contain alcohols that dry the skin, and antibacterial agents such as triclosan that contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Instead, I use real soap, preferably handmade here in the Flathead to wash my hands, and then a light spray of apple cider vinegar-water to help rinse off the soap and any bad bacteria that survived the soap, and also help restore the acid mantle to my skin.

But what to do when I need to wash my hands away from home? Most public restrooms offer liquid hand soap that isn’t real soap at all, but rather detergents that come with their own harmful effects. And many public restrooms also offer alcohol and chemical-antibacterial hand sanitizer.

The answer: handmade gel hand sanitizer. This recipe comes from the Wellness Mamma blog (1). The main thing I like about this recipe is that it uses aloe vera gel, that protects your skin from drying out too much. And you can store it in a reusable silicon tube that you can carry with you. (more…)

Preparedness: Lighting a Fire

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

By Catherine Haug, Feb 23, 2016

The article below was submitted by Dr. Bruce Nelson, a member of BERT (Bigfork Emergency Response Team), who organized the Bigfork Preparedness Fairs for several years. I have edited his article for formatting.

Not all of us have wood stoves and know how to light a fire with matches and twigs. To avoid finding yourself without these tools when you need them most, what do you do? Dr. Nelson provides excellent suggestions, which I follow with a few suggestions of my own, and a list of related preparedness and survival articles on this site. (more…)

About Arcadia Power’s mailing to all FEC customers

Monday, February 15th, 2016

By Catherine Haug, February 15, 2016

If you get your electricity from Flathead Electric Cooperative (FEC), you likely received an offer from Arcadia Power in the mail, to ‘join your neighbors in Montana’s first Community Wind Program.’ As with so many things, the truth is in the ‘fine print.’

Below are the specific questions about this mailing and service that I sent to Don Newton at FEC, and a summary of his response to each. Also included are green energy programs and energy-efficiency rebates that are offered by FEC. (more…)

Kitchen Hint: Clever & quick way to peel garlic

Friday, February 5th, 2016
Garlic bulbs

Garlic bulbs

By Catherine Haug, Feb 5, 2016 (Photo, right, from Wikimedia Commons)

This hint comes from Keith Blaylock, who participated in our panel presentation on Raising Chickens and Rabbits, and gave a wonderful presentation on Making Beer at Home.

Keith writes, “I don’t remember where I discovered this hint but I use it all the time.  It is about peeling garlic cloves:”

Simple way to peel raw garlic cloves

  1. Rub the light papery skin off the cloves.
  2. Put them into a small stove-top pan, with the lid on (do not heat);
  3. Shake the pot vigorously for 30 seconds, then open the pot to see your garlic cloves are completely peeled!
  4. Most of the peels stick to the pot so you can pour the whole cloves out onto the cutting board.  This process does not appear to bruise the cloves at all.
  5. Discard peels into compost bin and you are done!

Approval of GMO-farmed Atlantic Salmon revoked by FDA

Thursday, February 4th, 2016


By Catherine Haug, February 4, 2016 (Image, right, from Organic Consumers Association, OCA, used with permission)

Hot off the presses, wonderful news from Oregon GMO Right to Know:

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is BANNING the sale and import of genetically modified salmon…until the FDA can set strict guidelines on how to label them. This wonderful news is thanks to all the activists who wrote letters and signed petitions to the FDA, demanding Congress prevent the GMO salmon from appearing on our grocery store shelves unlabeled.

Now we all wait for the lawsuit filed against the Vermont mandatory GMO labeling law to be resolved in favor of the law, so that it can take effect on July 1, 2016. In December, 2015, we successfully fought an attempt by Congress to add an anti-labeling rider to the federal spending bill. For more on this battle, see: (more…)