Archive for the ‘Home & Ranch’ Category

Living a Simpler Life

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011

by Catherine Haug, October 30, 2011

In sorting through my library of books to trim my collection, I came across one about simplifying your life (1). I decided to give it another look; perhaps there might be ideas here to help us on our path toward sustainable living. This is the first in a series of posts inspired by ideas in this book.

Just what is ‘a simpler life?’

Here are a couple quotes to contemplate: (more…)

Certified Naturally Grown Produce Label

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, October 29, 2011

If you sell produce at local farmers markets, and use organic methods to grow them, listen up.

Earlier this week, the produce manager at Bigfork Harvest Foods mentioned he buys from several small local growers that use organic methods but are not Organic certified (such as Loon Lake Gardens), and he wished there were an easier certification for them.

My response: There IS! It’s called Certified Naturally Grown (or CNG). I wrote about this last year (Natural vs Organic), but it is worth discussing again.

Why this label is important

The CNG label is a certification available to local growers who use Organic methods but don’t want to incur the high fees and paperwork required for true Organic certification.   (more…)

Repurposing & Permaculture Ideas

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, October 28, 2011

Are you concerned about all the reusable greywater going down the drain? Would you like a way to recharge batteries using foot-power? Interested in becoming a guerilla-gardener?

If so here’s an interesting website to get you inspired: Interesting Permaculture & Repurposing Applications. Read on for more information on these projects.


Gathering Summary: Sugar Tapping with Kathie Lapcevic, October 19, 2011

Monday, October 24th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, October 22, 2011 (photos by Edd Blackler)

This is just a short synopsis; you can find more detail in the complete, printable pdf file: Gathering Summary: Sugar Tapping, by Kathie Lapcevic, October 19, 2011. See also Kathie’s handout: Maple & Birch Tapping at Home, by Kathie Lapcevic.

In addition to the main topic, Kathie opened with an announcement of Flathead Food Swappers’ first meet; see the Event Notice: Flathead Food Swap, Nov. 9, 2011.

Stephanie served a wonderful dessert: Pumpkin-Walnut-Cacao Cake with Chocolate Drizzle and Whipped Cream.

Presentation topics

Collecting sap in bucket

Collecting sap in bucket

  • Selecting a maple or birch tree for tapping
  • When to tap
  • How to tap (includes equipment needed)
  • Collect the sap
  • Cooking down the sap to syrup
  • Pouring off
  • Storage of the syrup

For more information


Toxic flame retardants in your home

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, October 19, 2011

Many products in your home have, by law, been treated with flame retardants, or are made with synthetic materials that are, in themselves, flame retardant (such as some foam paddings). While this might sound like a good thing, most of these retardants are quite toxic.

Mattresses, sofas, upholstered chairs, cushions, pillows and many baby products are all heavily treated in this way.

Perhaps topping the list of toxic flame retardants are PBDE’s (polybrominated diphenyl ethers). In general, any chemical with bromide, chloride or fluoride derivatives is toxic; PBDE is toxic in much the same way as PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl). A prime reason for the toxicity of these halides is that they replace iodine in many of the body’s molecules, or bind to sites meant to bind iodine-containing hormones like thyroid hormone. They are also known to disrupt other hormones as well.

See the Environmental Working Group’s Guide to PBDEs for more, and how to avoid products containing/treated with these chemicals. From a sustainability perspective, the following (from the Guide) is the best advice of all:

“…opt for less flammable fabrics and materials, like leather, wool and cotton. Be aware that “natural” latex foam will also contain fire retardants.”


  1. Environmental Working Group:
  2. Mercola: The mattress which plays havoc with your hormones

Best crop varieties for winter storage

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, October 12, 2011

Johnny’s Select Seeds offered a helpful article in their latest newsletter. It is targeted to commercial and CSA growers, but the information is also useful for the home gardener. Check it out: Extend the Selling Season with Storage crops.

Here’s a sampling of veggies from the article; note that the temperature and humidity make all the difference between success and failure with veggie storage. (Links go to Johnny’s website). (more…)