Archive for the ‘Gardening’ Category

Gardening beats depression

Friday, July 26th, 2013

by Catherine Haug, July 26, 2013

The BBC has a great 2 minute video with Brit gardener, Monty Don, on the topic of gardening to increase your happiness and ease depression. I’ve not been able to isolate the video on the BBC website, so for now you’ll have to view it on Mercola’s website: Gardening can help beat depression.

It’s all about the natural joy you experience when you put your hands in good fertile soil and do other work in the landscape – it just feels good. From Mercola’s article:

“According to a recent survey for Gardeners World magazine, 80 percent of gardeners reported being “happy” and satisfied with their lives, compared to 67 percent of non-gardeners. And the more time spent in the garden, the higher their satisfaction scores—87 percent of those who tend to their gardens for more than six hours a week report feeling happy, compared to those spending less time in their gardens.”

See also Gardening makes you happy. Here’s a quote:

“Humans have evolved with the land, and spent thousands of years growing our own food. We belong outside. Modern lifestyles force many of us into offices and apartment blocks. For some people, their only time outside during the week is the journey to and from the car. But we gardeners have a reason to be outside, and to be part of nature. It makes us happy because it’s part of who we are.”

I can personally report that I begrudge the time when I go out to work in the yard (because I’d rather be sewing). But once there, it’s hard to get me to stop, I just feel so good. Especially when I’m out picking my first year crop of raspberries!

Gathering Summary: Nutritional Value of Herbs with Linda Peterson

Friday, April 26th, 2013
Linda Peterson

Linda Peterson

by Catherine Haug, April 18, 2013

January Update: Linda has published her book: Nutrify and Detoxify: Manage Today’s Health Challenges, by Linda Peterson and published by VBW Publishing (1) and available on Amazon.

(photos by Edd Blackler)

This is just a short synopsis; you can find more detail in the complete, printable pdf file: [a link will be added here when available]. Linda had one handout, but requested I not make a digital copy for the website, as her info is copyrighted and will be included in her upcoming book. (more…)

Permaculture Food Forest in Bigfork; Bigfork Schools Next?

Friday, April 19th, 2013
Vegetated Swale

Vegetated Swale

by Catherine Haug, April 19, 2013

(image, right, from the City of Sandy, Oregon)

This week’s Bigfork Eagle features several articles about Alternative Agriculture. I just published a short post about one of them: Sprouted barley fodder for livestock feed at Flathead Lake Lodge. Another one that caught my eye is Building A Dream: Community Crossroads Memorial Garden by the Eagle’s new editor, David Reese.

I’m excited to read that Polson’s Kelly Ware is moving forward with a permaculture garden in our community, on Crossroads Church property. I hope this leads to similar work on a garden at Bigfork’s schools. (more…)

Gathering Summary: Container and Strawbale Gardening, with Mary and James Laud

Monday, April 15th, 2013
Straw Bale Garden (Wikipedia)

Straw Bale Garden (Wikipedia)

by Catherine Haug, April 15, 2013

(photo, right, from Wikipedia)

This is just a short synopsis; you can find more detail in the complete, printable pdf file:

Gathering Summary: Container and Strawbale Gardening, with Mary and James Laud, March 20, 2013.

There were no handouts, but a photo-board with some great photos was included in the presentation; I will add the photos to the summary as soon as I receive them.

Just prior to our event, we had a HUGE rainstorm all across the valley, but Mary and James braved the weather and gave a great presentation. They had intended to bring some straw bale garden examples, but were unable to do that because they were too saturated from the storm. They did have photos of straw bales in various stages of gardening, so we could get the general idea. They also brought some clever artistic examples of container gardens.

Presentation Topics

  • bag gardens
  • straw bale gardens
  • roof-top gardens
  • their greenhouse construction
  • container gardens
  • various methods of making organic fertilizers for container gardens
  • outdoor wood-fired pizza oven made on-site from fiber brick and fire clay or cob

Read on for audience comments and Q&A. (more…)

Job Opportunity: Gardener at Kootenai Lodge Estates

Friday, April 12th, 2013

by Catherine Haug, April 12, 2013

Thanks to Linda C, who forwarded this information to me concerning a job opportunity in the Bigfork area. Please pass on this information to anyone interested in this great opportunity.

For those who don’t know about the Kootenai Lodge Estates, it is a large private property, originally the Kelley-Evans Estate, along the Swan River just north of where Swan Lake becomes Swan River. The turnoff from Hwy 83 is less than 1/4 mile north of The Terrace Restaurant.

From Pat McGlynn, MSU Extension (406-758-5554), April 11, 2013

Pam Morton, from the Kootenai Lodge Estates, is looking for a full time gardener. The location is north of Swan Lake in Ferndale. The position would be from May 1 through fall. Please call Pam at 837-4121, if you are interested to set up an interview.


The Plight of the Bumblebee

Monday, March 18th, 2013
Bumblebee with loaded pollen baskets

Bumblebee with loaded pollen baskets

by Catherine Haug, March 18, 2013

(photo, right, from Wikipedia)

The same chemical factors that are harming honeybees (colony collapse disorder) may also be having a negative impact on ground-dwelling bumblebees.

But that’s not the only thing endangering our native bumblebees. And as we lose honeybees, our native pollinators like bumblebees and mason bees will become increasingly important. We need to do all we can to ensure their survival and increase, or we will have serious problems in our food supply.

According to a short article in April/May issue of National Wildlife Magazine: Bumblebees seek biodiverse blooms, there are two things each of us can do to help bumblebees. Two things that have nothing to do with pesticides and other chemicals: (more…)