Archive for the ‘Gardening’ Category

Progress at St. Patrick’s Community Garden

Monday, May 25th, 2009

by Catherine Haug


Tilling garden siteThis last week, a group of volunteers planted approximately 70 pounds of red and white potatoes in newly tilled ground behind St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church in Ferndale.  In the next few days, a small plot of pumpkins and corn will be added.  This is all in a newly tilled field planned for approximately one hundred 15′ x 15′ community garden plots in 2010.  You can view a sample plot at the site.


A large compost bin in available at the site, if you would like to contribute compostable materials for next summer’s gardens.  Donations of straw bales, for use in mulching the potato garden are also welcomed.

From the Bigfork Eagle:

The following article and photo are by Alex Strickland, editor of the Bigfork Eagle, and appeared in the May 21st issue of that newspaper (used with permission). (more…)

Gardening at Senior Housing

Wednesday, May 13th, 2009

Bigfork’s Senior Housing Complex

by Fran Wade

I had hoped to organize a community garden at the Crestview Senior Housing complex in Bigfork this spring.  As most projects, it took more time to accomplish than expected — sort of like herding cats.  With luck, we may have the foundation laid, so that next year we will be ready to plant when the season begins.

The Montana Conservation Corps has added our complex to their list for raised bed boxes in 2010 (see ‘Compact Gardens for Senior Housing,’ below).  And I’m still negotiating with the new manager of the complex for space. (more…)

Potatoes: Planting, Growing & Harvesting

Friday, May 8th, 2009

by Catherine Haug

Post updated 5/9/09 to add sections on Hilling, Harvesting, and Storage.

Things are starting to happen on the site of St. Patrick’s Community Garden (on the grounds of the Episcopal Church in Ferndale). In the next week or so, the initial planting area will be tilled and planted with deer-deterrent potatoes, pumpkins and some type of cover crop, to ready the area for the next years’ plots.

Watch this site for notification of the potato planting date.  In the meantime, here’s some information about planting and growing potatoes, from Mother Earth new, Garden Gate Magazine, and Food Gardening Guide websites. (more…)

Companion Planting

Thursday, May 7th, 2009

by Catherine Haug

Sally Janover introduced us to this topic during her January presentation on Container Gardening.  Michelle Lomando-Patterson (St Patrick’s Community Garden project) shared with me some information on companion planting which I have transcribed below (sorry, I don’t know her sources).



Garden Soil

Wednesday, May 6th, 2009

by Catherine Haug

I don’t have much experience at gardening, so I’m very interested in learning every aspect of the craft, including soil quality.  My Dad had been an avid gardener in the 1950s and 60s when I was growing up; he hand-tilled the soil in the fall with debris from the harvested garden and some manure from the neighbor’s cow, then planted seeds in the spring.  Or at least, that’s how I remember it.

But I’ve come to learn that if you want maximum nutrition in your veggies, it is not necessarily so simple. Your soil needs to have the right carbon:nitrogen ratio, be the right pH (level of acidity), and have the right kind of drainage for the plants you want to grow. (more…)

On Gardening (May 2, 2009 DIL)

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

by Catherine Haug

The May 2, 2009 issue of “Lawn & Garden,” a special section of the Saturday Daily Interlake, featured several gardening articles.  What follows are the highlights I gleaned from them. (more…)