by Catherine Haug
I continue to research gardening tips/advice for our Montana climate. Here are a few useful articles and sites. [See “References” at the end of the article for urls.] (more…)
by Catherine Haug
I continue to research gardening tips/advice for our Montana climate. Here are a few useful articles and sites. [See “References” at the end of the article for urls.] (more…)
by Catherine Haug
Better Homes and Gardens Magazine, April 2010 issue included an interesting article titled “Planning and Planting.” The premiss of the article is to plant for the season: spring, summer and fall, to maximize the productivity of a small garden space (such as Square Foot Gardening). And, as described in The Winter Harvest Handbook by Eliot Coleman, and Paul Renner’s recent gathering on Peaceful Gardens Year-Round Food Production Facility, one can even plant through the winter if a greenhouse (or cold frame) is available.
The BH&G article illustrates the same bed, with plantings in each season. I expand upon this information, with what I’ve been learning over the last year or so. My sequence begins with Spring (NOW!) and goes through Winter.
Summary by Catherine Haug
updated 3/31/10 to add Paul’s photos; 4/18 to add link to coverage by Daily Interlake
The following is a short outline of the event. For the complete gathering summary, including photos and links to websites offering online educational videos for many steps in the process, see our pdf file:
Gathering Summary: Peaceful Gardens
See also April 18, 2010 article in Daily InterLake: At Peaceful Gardens, it’s always Growing Season, by Candace Chase
Paul began with an introduction that included the following topics: (more…)
by Catherine Haug
Last year we had a gathering on the topic of Pollinators and their Habitat, which included presentations by three guests:
This topic continues to be of interest to ESP. See below for:
by Catherine Haug
Last year we hosted a gathering on Seed Starting Indoors, by Deb Schatz. And now it’s time to start thinking about this activity again. Some of us have greenhouses or have joined Paul Renner on his Peaceful Gardens project, which includes a large shared greenhouse. Paul will be giving a presentation on his project at our March Gathering (March 24, 7 PM, Clementines).
For the rest of us, we’ll soon be setting up our grow lights, readying our pots, and preparing or purchasing our planting medium. Better Homes and Gardens magazine featured an article on “Growth Fun: A Guide to Super-Simple Seed Starting” in it’s January 2010 issue. I thought I’d share the highlights with you, along with info I’ve gleaned from Deb’s presentation and other research.
by Catherine Haug
St. Patrick’s Community Garden, now called the Bigfork/Ferndale Community Garden at St. Patrick’s Church, has a new website:
Cris Aguilar is the website editor, which includes: