Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

Negative impacts of farmed salmon (including GMO salmon)

Sunday, January 17th, 2016
Farmed Salmon Pen; Photo by L. Renehan/Living Oceans Society

Farmed Salmon Pen

by Catherine Haug, Jan 12, 2015 (image, right, from (1), originally by L. Renehan/Living Oceans Society)

According to Farmed And Dangerous (1), there are many negative impacts from the salmon farming industry, including environmental, human health, economic and food fishery impacts (see below for details.). One they don’t list (because the full impact is not yet known) is the newly approved GMO/GE farmed Atlantic salmon. These GE salmon  are genetically manipulated to grow faster than native Atlantic salmon by adding genes from an eel to that of the salmon (these two species would not mate naturally). See my earlier post GE Salmon given green light by the FDA for more.

Even if you eat only wild-caught salmon from native fisheries, you are not free of the risks of farmed salmon, because farmed salmon can and do escape their pens into the environment. They can pass on disease and other problems to wild salmon. (more…)

Adulterated or Fake Olive Oil

Sunday, January 3rd, 2016
Sicilian olives

Sicilian olives

by Catherine Haug, Jan 22, 2014; updated & re-published Jan 3, 2016 (Photo, right, from Wikimedia Commons)

Tonight (Jan 3, 2016), CBS News: 60 Minutes had a segment on the Mafia’s involvement in every aspect of the food business – including olive oil from harvest to table – and what young Italian olive growers are doing about it. One of those interviewed asserted 75 -80% of the olive oil sold in America, is fake or at best diluted. You can view the segment on 60 Minutes Overtime (9) or see below.

Read on for the video and my original article from 2 years ago.  (more…)

Controversy over GMO labeling heats up

Wednesday, November 25th, 2015


By Catherine Haug (image, right, from Organic Consumers Assoc., used with permission)

It is no secret that the fight to label GMOs is fraught with controversy. Three states (Vermont, Connecticut, and Maine) have mandated the labeling, but Big Ag is spending big bucks to fight back. Are you ready to defend our Right to Know? (more…)

Administer an Eye Wash

Tuesday, November 24th, 2015
Canon Eye Cup

Canon Eye Cup

by Catherine Haug, (photo, right, from Land Sea and Sky (3))

When you have something in your eye – liquid or solid – it is very distracting, but can also lead to infection if it isn’t removed. My first experience with an eye wash happened in high school chemistry class. I had a nasty chemical on my fingers, then used them to rub my eye. Shortly after, the eye started to burn and our teacher escorted me to the bench for an eye wash.

When you are out in the wild hiking or camping, carry an eye cup/shot glass in your backpack for emergencies. At home, you can use a bowl, or an eye cup/shot glass. However, an eye cup/shot glass should not be used to remove foreign objects. The wash solution should be sterile. (more…)

Another reason to avoid plastics

Thursday, October 8th, 2015
Garbage Can with Lid

Garbage Can with Lid

By Catherine Haug, Oct 2015 (Photo, right, from US Plastics (1)

It is now well known that we should avoid the plastic BPA or BPS because they can cause cancer. But I have long believed that all plastics are bad for our health – not just as a cause for cancer. Recently, my belief has strong scientific support.

Most plastics are not biodegradable, but they do break down in a different, harmful way. They form micro-particles/fibers that make their way into our waters and eventually to the oceans where their pollution of the water is analogous to pollution of our air by micro-particles. Remember how your lungs, sinuses and throat felt this summer from breathing the micro-particles in smoke from forest fires? (more…)

Bacterial contamination of produce, including Organic

Saturday, August 22nd, 2015


By Catherine Haug, August 21, 2015 (Photo, right, from Wikipedia)

The lifestyle blog, Take Part, featured an article today titled Your Organic Spinach Could Be More Dangerous Than Meat, by Willy Blackmore (1). At issue is contamination of vegetable crops, both Organic and conventional, primarily by contaminated animal waste (primarily from CAFOs – Confinement Animal Feeding Operations) leaching into ground water.

A classic example was a 39-state recall of E. coli-contaminated spinach a few years back, that was caused by animal waste from a nearby CAFO leaching into groundwater regularly used to water the crops. Similar recalls have involved listeria and other pathogens.

Data from the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) indicate food-borne illness is far more likely from produce, than for poultry, seafood, red meat, eggs or dairy (2).

What is the solution to this problem? (more…)