Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

Sustainable vs ‘Modern’ Ag

Saturday, May 9th, 2009

by Catherine Haug

The Sustainable Food website (from has a new post titled “4 Reasons Why ‘Modern’ Agriculture is Bad For You.”  I suspect our ESP community is already aware of most of these reasons, but you might want to check out this post and the referenced articles anyway.  Here’s the 4 reasons; for more detail, read the post.

  1. Genital feminization of male humans and animals:
  2. Herbicides linked to cancer, neurological disorders;
  3. Antibiotics fed to livestock have created antibiotic-resistant bacteria; and
  4. Plants absorb antibiotics from soil amendments.

While these are all certainly important (and scary) reasons, we can find even more important (and hopeful) reasons much closer to home: (more…)

Pasture-Fed Meats, Eggs, Dairy

Friday, May 1st, 2009

by Catherine Haug

(Updated Sept 24 to add a third local dairy: Kalispell Kreamery).

For the most part, your local supermarket, Costco, Wal-Mart and Whole Foods do NOT carry pasture-fed meats, eggs and dairy.  These sources are all part of the modern monoculture food system which thrives on low-cost, factory-style food production, cheap transportation costs to ship their products around the country, and stressed-out consumers who don’t have the time to fix healthful “slow-food” meals at home.

Instead, if you want healthful pasture-raised animal food products, you need to go to a local producer or local shops that specialize in locally produced meats, eggs and dairy products. (more…)