Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

Using Diatomaceous Earth

Friday, August 14th, 2009

by Catherine Haug

I have a problem with slugs in my garden.  I tried the cans of beer, but they attracted bees (including a mason bee) and flying ants, but no slugs. So I decided to try diatomaceous earth (DE).  This all-natural flour-textured substance has many uses around the home including:

  • causing slug, maggot, and insect death in the garden and landscape
  • solving an ant or bedbug problem in your home
  • getting rid of fleas on pets and livestock
  • worming of pets and livestock (and humans)

Diatomaceous earth is made from the silica-rich shells of diatoms. Most diatoms are found in the ocean, but food grade DE is made from freshwater diatoms, mistakenly called ‘algae.’  This is the same brown or golden algae that grows in fish tanks.

I learned from a piece on the local news recently that diatom algae grows on rocks at the bottom of the Clark Fork River in Missoula.  And I suspect it also grows on rocks at the bottom of the Swan and/or Flathead River, which means we would have a local source when we can no longer import it from a distant source.  All we’d have to do is figure out how to harvest and clean it. Does anyone have any ideas on this? (more…)

A New Health Paradigm

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

by Catherine Haug

Dr. Mercola offered a provocative article in his July 8, 2009 newsletter: Changing Your Beliefs About Health and Illness.

For those not familiar with Dr. Mercola, he’s an osteopathic physician in the Chicago area, who started his website in the late 1990s, focusing on natural healing.  This particular article comes with a 5 minute video video by Dr. James Chestnut, a chiropractic physician honored in 2007 as Chiropractic Educator of the Year.

As our government leaders grapple with legislation to provide health care coverage for all, I think it is pertinent to look more deeply into what is meant by health and illness. I fear that our leaders are still living in the old, wrong-headed paradigm, and we will ultimately suffer because of this.

In fact, I believe this wrong-headed paradigm is precisely why our health care system has failed us. (more…)

Avoiding Swine Flu Naturally: Update September 3, 2009

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

by Catherine Haug

September 3, 2009 update: added info on basil and holy basil (tulsi) for prevention and treatment of influenza.

August 15, 2009 update: addition of probiotic foods to list of ways to support your immune system, based on recent study published in Pediatrics.

July 10, 2009 update: has information about the swine flu, and the preparedness plans of our government, in the event of an outbreak this fall.  I’ve added some information from this website in a new section of this post, titled Swine Flu Symptoms.

July 9, 2009 update:  a video of Dr. Don Beans:  What to Do About the Flu, as recorded on KGEZ radio, is available from Dr. Beans, a Licensed Acupuncturist and Certified Homeopath.  He tells me he’s working on a written version of this 2-hour recording, in booklet form, and hopes to make it available on his website,  Contact Dr. Beans at 837-0310 or 863-9300.

Original post (April 29, 2009):

“Swine flu” is much in the news today, along with conspiracy theories about its origin. Without getting into all that, see below for some things you can do to support your immune system, and help you fight off the flu should you be exposed.   (more…)

Notes from Herbology 101 (Crop Circle Event, June 29, 2009

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

by Catherine Haug

Jean H. and I attended the Crop Circle presentation on herbology yesterday evening, in the basement of the Kalispell Public Library. What follows are my notes from this 2-hour presentation.

Presenter:  Sheryl Eaglewoman

Sheryl is a health consultant in the Wise Woman tradition.  She has over 20 years experience in midwifery, healing, wellness, nutrition, and energy work as a medical intuitive. Her website is; check out her articles (“Columns“), via a link on the left-hand side of her website.

Her teacher and mentor is Susun Weed ( In addition, she worked for many years in the supplements aisle of Whole Foods.

Next month, Sheryl will discuss homeopathy (July 29, 2009). See also her article on the subject: Living Responsibly-Homeopathy (also saved: Health-Nutrition / Podcasts-Articles / SherylEaglewoman > LivingResponsibly_Homeopathy_SEaglewoman.pdf

See also Cat’s article (July 2009): Introduction to Homeopathy [Cat’s Note: Here’s an updated October 2022 version: Introduction to Homeopathy (from Cat’s Kitchen)] (more…)

Pottenger’s Cats

Thursday, May 21st, 2009

by Catherine Haug, May 21, 2009; updated December 15, 2012

As I wrote in 2009: The Diet of Traditional Peoples: the Work of Weston Price & Frances Pottenger:

Dr. Frances Pottenger Jr. is famous for his 1930s studies with cats.  He fed some a raw food diet, and the others a cooked and processed food diet, then studied their health through the generations, for 10 years. This was a well-controlled study, that compared a control group with the experimental groups. More detailed results are given below.

In summary, he found that by the third generation, the cats on the cooked or processed food diet were so changed they were no longer fertile, and had similar problems with their skeletal and other systems, as observed in humans by Dr. Weston Price.  On the other hand, the cats on the raw diet were healthy and fertile in all generations. (more detail on this, below).  Of course, human dietary needs are different from that of cats, but certain parallels are still valid.

His research is not without critics.  But after 3 or more generations of humans regularly consuming highly processed foods, the truth of their theories is becoming evident. See my article: The Third Generation & Health for more about this, and for a similar, more contemporary study on hamsters. (more…)

The Diet of Traditional Peoples: the Work of Weston Price & Frances Pottenger

Thursday, May 21st, 2009

by Catherine Haug, May 21, 2009

Dr. Price was a dentist who traveled the world in the 1930s to study the dental health of traditional peoples. What he discovered impacts not only dental health, but health of the whole being.  Indeed, he concluded that your teeth are the canary in the mine. If you have problems with your teeth or jaws, you have problems with your overall health including skeletal, circulatory, endocrine (hormone), and digestive systems, and these problems are most likely caused by processed foods in your diet.

Dr. Pottenger is famous for his 1930s studies with cats.  He fed some a raw food diet, and the others a cooked and processed food diet, then studied their health through the generations, for 10 years. He found that by the third generation, the cats on the cooked diet were so changed they were no longer fertile, and had similar problems with their skeletal and other systems, as observed in humans by Dr. Price.  On the other hand, the cats on the raw diet were healthy and fertile in all generations. (more detail on this, below).  Of course, human dietary needs are different from that of cats, but certain parallels are still valid.

The research of both these men is not without critics.  But after 3 or more generations of humans regularly consuming highly processed foods, the truth of their theories is becoming evident. See my articles:  Pottenger’s Cats and The Third Generation & Health for more about this. (more…)