Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

Lacto-Fermentation or Live Culture

Monday, June 20th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, June 18, 2011; updated August 4 & 28, 2011

ESP recently hosted a panel presentation at our August 2011 gathering, on the topic of lacto-fermentation (See Gathering Summary: Lacto-Fermentation, with Don Bates & Jeanette Cheney). But perhaps you’re not sure what that means, or why it is important for your health. If so, read on….


Diet and Disease

Thursday, June 16th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, June 13, 2011

Our grandparents (or great-grandparents) understood a basic principle: You are what you eat. (Michael Pollen has added to that principle: You are what you eat eats). But somewhere along the way we decided we knew better, that we could eradicate disease with synthetic chemicals. Now we are beginning to understand that our grandparents were on to something (and those synthetic chemicals may cause more harm than good).

A recent article by Mercola is a case in point: Cancerous Cells Cannot Survive without This (referring to curcumin, from turmeric). His original title of the article was This Powerful Herb Changes Your Genes to Combat Cancer.  The hypothesis is that genes are equipped with switches that, when turned on, cause the gene to do one thing, and when turned off, to do another. And these switches are influenced by the gene’s environment. From the article: (more…)

Avoiding Food-Borne Illness (Like E. Coli)

Tuesday, June 7th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, June 7, 2011

With all the concern over illness and deaths in Germany and other Eurozone countries from an outbreak of a deadly strain of E. Coli bacteria, I thought it might be good to address how to protect yourself from food-borne illness. While this particular E.coli strain has not been found in the Americas, we have had our own problems with E. coli in the past, as well as other infectious microbes (such as staph and salmonella), and are likely to have more in the future.

In this post I discuss:

  • Buy local
  • Boost your immune System
  • Clean your fresh produce properly


Health Hazards of GMO Foods & Crops

Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

by Catherine Haug, May 31, 2011

What is GMO?

Do you really know what GMO means? The acronym means Genetically Modified Organism. A related term, GE, means Genetically Engineered.

Do you think GMO & GE are just fancy terms for genetic breeding to perfect a desired trait in a plant or animal? If so, you’d be wrong. And it probably isn’t good for you or your family. (more…)

Canned Tomatoes & BPA Linings

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

by Catherine Haug

Do you buy commercial canned tomatoes and canned tomato products? If so, you might want to rethink that plan, or at minimum, seek a different brand, to avoid BPA.

Several health problems associated with the BPA (Bisphnol-A) have made the news in recent years. BPA is used not only in plastic water bottles, but also to line cans for canned foods.

  • “BPA has been associated with cancer, insulin resistance, and birth defects. … What was most unexpected-and alarming-was that low-dose experiments produced worse effects [in lab animals] than high-dose.” (1)
  • It is a known endocrine disrupter, meaning that it mimics hormones, or blocks hormone receptors, primarily affecting estrogen and thyroid hormones.
  • And it has known neurological effects especially harmful for infants and toddlers whose brains are still developing. (2)

Tomatoes are especially problematic; they are quite acidic and readily leach the BPA from the lids and linings into the tomato product. Even Organic brands use BPA can & lid linings.

Back in 2007, one concerned homemaker contacted the companies that produced all the brands of canned foods she used, and found that only one, “Trader Joe’s, does not use epoxy liners containing BPA in its cans.” (1) But then, what DO they use to keep lead solder from leaching into the cans’ contents?

What’s a concerned homemaker to do?  (more…)

Gathering Summary: Sourdough, A Panel Presentation, May 18, 2011

Sunday, May 29th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, May 29, 2011

(photo by C. Haug)

This is just a short synopsis; you can find more detail in the complete, printable Gathering Summary: Sourdough, a Panel Presentation. See also related posts and handouts:

Cat's First Sourdough Loaf

Presentation Topics

Panel members Veronica (Ronny) Honthaas, Kathie Lapcevic and Fran Wade led discussion on the following topics:

  • History and health benefits of sourdough
  • About sourdough starter
  • How to make sourdough starter
  • Forming bread – Ronny’s demonstration
  • Resources & references (more…)