Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

Scary Foods (or why we should support local food producers)

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

by Catherine Haug, January 26, 2012

Supporting local food producers (gardeners, CSAs, farmers, orchards, ranchers, dairies, etc.) is not only an excellent way to build a strong community, but also the best way to ensure the quality and healthfulness of the foods you and your family eat. A side benefit is a cleaner, sustainable environment and  reduced energy consumption. You can effect food production practices by voting with your dollars.

Given the basic truth of “you are what you eat,” I am astounded at the toxic and unhealthful junk so many of us eat without giving it a second thought. Big Ag and its control of our media have certainly done a good job at getting us to make unhealthy choices voluntarily and enthusiastically. The problem is endemic in our society and affects all aspects of our diet.


GMO and Antibiotic Livestock Feed

Thursday, January 19th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, January 19, 2012

I’ve written about CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations) before, but I want to call your attention to a particular aspect of this type of food production. Cows, hogs and chickens are the most common animals raised by this method, which involves tight (confined) indoor quarters without exposure to the outdoors, specially grown and treated food, and often inhumane conditions.

When you consume the meat, eggs and/or milk from such animals, you intake all the problems associated with the method by which they were raised. Even produce, including organic produce can be contaminated from manure used as fertilizer.

Are you aware that most meats, as well as commercial eggs and dairy products come from CAFOs? When you buy these foods, you are making a statement that your are OK with the conditions and the risks that come with the food. Are you sure this is what you want to convey?

View3 minute CBS News video: Antibiotics Risk to Humans embedded below. (more…)

Montana’s Congressional Delegation on GMOs

Sunday, January 15th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, Jan 15, 2012

Senators Baucus & Tester, and Representative Rehberg responded to recent comments from their constituency regarding GMOs. As you can see from the complete responses (below):

  • Tester asserts that GMO foods should be labeled, and that there are unanswered questions regarding these foods that need to be addressed.
  • Baucus supports GMO foods as being good for Montana’s Ag economy.
  • Rehberg takes no stand either way, only saying that we need to be ready to make the right decisions based on sound evidence vs cost.

If you believe GMOs should be labeled; if you believe we should not approve any more GMO foods until we know more about the long-term affects on the health of our people, animals and the planet, you might address our legislators accordingly, and cast your votes for those who support your position.

On the other hand, if you believe that GMOs are no different (from a health and ecological perspective) than their non-GMO counterparts, then your address to our legislators or your vote may be different, but no less important.

If you are undecided on this important issue, you might want to read some of my earlier posts on GMOs; see the following link: Cat’s posts on GMOs.

For the complete responses from our legislators, read on. (more…)

On Sustainable Living: the Hunter-Gatherer

Tuesday, December 20th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, December 17, 2011

The Paleo, or Hunter-Gatherer eating plan is gaining popularity, especially amongst people who want to live more sustainably. It is not a diet in the sense of weight loss, but rather a diet to optimize health for you, your family, and the planet.

While it relies on foods that are native to the area in which you live, including wild fruits, berries, roots, leaves/stems, and game, as the primary source of food, in a modern society, these native foods can be supplemented with non-native foods that are locally-grown/raised, and in-season. Such a diet requires minimal energy input and is not toxic to the body or environment.

See also my earlier post: Preparing for, and Surviving our Future. (more…)

How GMOs destroy life, soil and your gut probiotics

Tuesday, December 13th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, December 11, 2011

I’ve written many articles about GMO/GE crops and foods, hinting at the harm they cause, despite big-Ag’s insistence that GMO foods are no different from non-GMO (see October is GMO Month for list of prior articles on this site). But now, more information is coming out about just how this harm comes about. (more…)

Unused, Expired Prescription Disposal

Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, October 4, 2011

Do you have expired or unused medications for disposal? DO NOT put them in the trash nor flush them down the toilet, as this method of disposal leads to contaminated ground water and soil. But you do have options:  (more…)