Archive for the ‘Health’ Category

Nutrient Decline in our Food Supply

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, December 11, 2012

We all rely on the quality of our food to sustain us and keep us in good health. We trust that foods of vibrant color are rich in antioxidants and vitamins; for example, beets, oranges, carrots, cherries and berries. We trust that leafy greens with rich, dark color are rich in minerals, vitamins and bitters. We trust that fresh meats and dairy are rich in protein, essential oils, and vitamins.

But is our trust warranted? Certainly prior to the industrial age, that trust was well-placed. But modern agriculture is all about the bottom line, and food quality is often sacrificed in pursuit of that goal. Crops are treated with chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, and refreshed with contaminated waters. Animals are fed these inferior crops, and in many cases fed crops that are not their natural diet. All of this leads to nutritional deficiency in our foods.

Just how bad has it gotten? What can we do to reverse the trend? (more…)

Organics: Are they really no better than non-organics?

Sunday, September 9th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, September 7, 2012

Last week, the media (2,3,4) were all abuzz about a new study from a Stanford University Medical School team. They surveyed the global literature for “evidence of differences between the nutritional quality and safety of organic and conventional foods,” (1)  and came to two major conclusions (1):

  • “The published literature lacks strong evidence that organic foods are significantly more nutritious than conventional foods.”
  • “Consumption of organic foods may reduce exposure to pesticide residues and antibiotic-­resistant bacteria.”

What does this mean for us, the consumers? What does this mean for those of us who want to eat the most healthful diet? What does this mean for the health of our environment? (more…)

GMO Canola in the Flathead

Wednesday, August 1st, 2012

Canola Field in Lower Valley

by Catherine Haug, August 1, 2012

A few weeks ago, canola fields were in bloom all around the Flathead valley. You will recognize them by their bright yellow blooms as in the photo by Devvi Morgan, right.

But despite their sunny look, their disposition is not so sunny. Most, if not all, of these crops are Roundup-Ready® Canola (1), a GMO crop. This means that even IF the GMO aspect were harmless (which I don’t believe is the case), these crops are heavily sprayed with Roundup to control weeds. They may also be heavily sprayed with insecticides. These sprays are then present in the air we breathe and get into the groundwater, and can contaminate our drinking water.

Did you know that canola seeds spread rapidly and cross-pollinate with many other brassicas  including turnips, broccoli raab, some kales, rutabaga, and possibly radish and broccoli, according to research at Oregon State University? This means that if you have any of these growing in your garden, their seeds could be contaminated with GMO DNA from the canola. If you are a seed saver, you may not want to save these.

Apart from the GMO aspect, canola poses other health risks.


Plan for emergencies in high heat/bad weather

Friday, July 20th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, July 20, 2012, revised August 4, 2012

There’s no denying that the weather across the US has been unusual the last few years, with enormous, raging wildfires & forest fires, flooding, lightening, high wind, cyclonic & hurricane activity. These can force you to evacuate your home, or leave you stranded from access to food and emergency help. Road trips can expose you to severe weather and fire hazards with which you are unaccustomed.

Its best to plan for such emergencies before they happen. Read on for more about personal/family preparedness, and AAA’s recommendations.


Soap Scum in your Supplements, Pills?

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, June 25, 2012

You know what soap scum is – that white gluey stuff that appears in your bathtub, shower stall, kitchen sink and washing machine, especially if you have hard water, and it’s especially hard to wash off these surfaces. It can also leave a thin filmy coating on your hair after shampooing, or your skin after bathing.

But did you know that it is an ingredient in most encapsulated or tablet supplements and prescriptions? The manufacturers of these medications add magnesium or calcium stearate to the medication powders as a lubricant so the powders will pass more readily through the processing machinery. This additive isn’t removed before packing the powders in capsules or pressing them into pills, so remains in the product you buy.

What is magnesium or calcium stearate? Soap scum. What’s the harm? What can you do? Read on.


Enhancing your immunity

Monday, May 28th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, May 27, 2012

Each and every day, every moment in the day, we are exposed – at risk – for disease from infectious microbes. You can’t avoid them, and since there are far too many microbes to decimate them all, we’re better off learning how to live with them. They are, after all, everywhere. And the way to live with them without giving in to them, is by building and maintaining a strong immunity.

How does one do that? One way is to start with children. Research has shown that children who eat dirt (as I did – pulling up carrots from my Dads garden and eating them without washing) have stronger immune systems than those who are raised in a sterile environment.

How can this be? Because many microbes – even some pathological ones – are beneficial. Our own native flora prove this true: (more…)