Archive for the ‘Remedies’ Category

How to detox glyphosate (Roundup) from your body

Monday, February 4th, 2019

By Catherine Haug, Feb 4, 2019

I just wrote an exciting post for my personal blog, Cat’s Kitchen: How to detox glyphosate (Roundup) from your body. The method involves a simple daily dose of the supplement: glycine powder (glycine is an amino acid).

It can also help to increase your effective glutathione levels (the most important detox agent in your body), as described in the posting.

Lastly, the article also provides information on testing for glyphosate levels in your body.

Check it out!

Picking wild berries

Tuesday, May 9th, 2017


By Catherine Haug, May 9, 2017 (Photo, right, by D. Morgan, used with permission)

Hey, all you huckleberry pickers out there (or those who pick other native berries such as serviceberries/June berries/saskatoons, choke cherries, etc.), this is for you. Of course, all those who have picked for their own use for years probably already know this, but those who pick for profit or are new to our area:

Don’t be greedy! Leave some berries on the bush for the bears and birds, so they can spread the seeds throughout the area to ensure the berries are there for future generations. You might think everyone knows this, but think again. (more…)

Event Notice: Backyard Herbalism Classes at Two Frog Home, Summer 2016

Saturday, July 30th, 2016

By Catherine Haug, April 1, 2016; updated July 31, 2016 to add information about August and September classes

The following is from Kathie Lapcevic, one of ESP’s presenters. Her “spring classes at FVCC have completely sold out. There will be summer classes, however; so stay tuned for that catalog coming in the mail soon.”

Additionally, she offers several sustainability-related classes at her home in C Falls. This summer’s topic is “Herbal Cookery & Backyard Medicine.” These classes  will focus on common herbs; how to use them in your kitchen and in your medicine cabinet. According to Kathie, “We’ll get creative, have lots of fun, get hands-on, sample finished products, and much more.”

Each class will have two different sessions in hopes that at least one of the dates will work with your schedule: (more…)

Homemade hand sanitizer

Sunday, March 13th, 2016
Aloe vera plant

Aloe vera plant

By Catherine Haug, March 13, 2016 (Photo, right, from Wikimedia Commons)

I’m not fond of hand sanitizers because they contain alcohols that dry the skin, and antibacterial agents such as triclosan that contribute to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Instead, I use real soap, preferably handmade here in the Flathead to wash my hands, and then a light spray of apple cider vinegar-water to help rinse off the soap and any bad bacteria that survived the soap, and also help restore the acid mantle to my skin.

But what to do when I need to wash my hands away from home? Most public restrooms offer liquid hand soap that isn’t real soap at all, but rather detergents that come with their own harmful effects. And many public restrooms also offer alcohol and chemical-antibacterial hand sanitizer.

The answer: handmade gel hand sanitizer. This recipe comes from the Wellness Mamma blog (1). The main thing I like about this recipe is that it uses aloe vera gel, that protects your skin from drying out too much. And you can store it in a reusable silicon tube that you can carry with you. (more…)

Administer an Eye Wash

Tuesday, November 24th, 2015
Canon Eye Cup

Canon Eye Cup

by Catherine Haug, (photo, right, from Land Sea and Sky (3))

When you have something in your eye – liquid or solid – it is very distracting, but can also lead to infection if it isn’t removed. My first experience with an eye wash happened in high school chemistry class. I had a nasty chemical on my fingers, then used them to rub my eye. Shortly after, the eye started to burn and our teacher escorted me to the bench for an eye wash.

When you are out in the wild hiking or camping, carry an eye cup/shot glass in your backpack for emergencies. At home, you can use a bowl, or an eye cup/shot glass. However, an eye cup/shot glass should not be used to remove foreign objects. The wash solution should be sterile. (more…)

Ebola cure from ZMapp: another type of GMO

Sunday, September 14th, 2014

by Catherine Haug, September 14, 2014

We know GMOs as a genetically engineered ‘food’ – for example, bT corn which is genetically engineered to produce the toxin normally produced by the bT bacteria. This substance is toxic to pests that eat the corn. Unfortunately, if you eat a food product made from bT corn, it includes the DNA that can produce that toxin, so that when ingested, it can potentially produce the toxin in your body too.

But that type of GMO product is just the tip of the technology iceberg. Bio-tech companies are rapidly expanding and modifying the technique for many other applications. For example, forcing a tobacco plant to produce a new type of antibiotic that helps the body fight off infection by the ebola virus. At first blush, this seems like a good, novel idea. But Science still doesn’t know the long-term effects of the application of this technology, just as it doesn’t know (or doesn’t admit) the long-term effects of GMO ‘foods.’

How does this new antibody technique work? (more…)