Archive for the ‘Food-Nutrition-Health’ Category

Kitchen Hint: Best treatment for cuts and scrapes

Saturday, June 11th, 2016

By Catherine Haug, June 11, 2016

This kitchen hint comes from me, but I was reminded of this by Mercola’s newsletter (1).

When I was a kid in the 50s, one of the most common treatments for a child’s cuts and scrapes was mercurochrome, a tincture in a dropper bottle. It was very effective against bad microbes, but was eventually banned for over-the-counter sales because of the dangers posed by the heavy metal mercury it contained. Mercury, along with lead and cadmium are the most common toxic heavy metals known to damage the body.

After that banning, moms turned to hydrogen peroxide; it is also a very effective antimicrobial substance, but is it the best treatment for cuts and scrapes?

New GMO Label from Campbells

Tuesday, May 31st, 2016

CampbellsGMO labelBy Catherine Haug, May 31, 2016 (Image, right and below, from Twitter (1))

As Big Food prepares for Vermont’s GMO Labeling law to take effect in July of this year, GMO labels are beginning to appear on processed foods. The image, right, and larger version below, is the back label on a can of Campbell’s Spaghettios (1). Note the “What’s in my Food” image just to the right of the GMO information, and the url for, which are part of Campbell’s campaign for transparency.

Big AG (Monsanto, are in a panic, and are once again planning to introduce a new Senate version of the DARK Act. (The actual but mis-leading name  is “Safe and Accurate Labeling Act;” it would allow voluntary labeling with QR codes that would require a smartphone to read; see my earlier post: ‘QR code’ to label GMO foods? for more).

If you want mandatory GMO labeling (not voluntary QR codes), watch the video (below), then contact your Senators; see Government (Contact). Here’s contact info for our MT Senators:


Battle on GMO labeling making significant progress

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016


By Catherine Haug, May 17, 2016 (Image, right, from OCA, used with permission)

ESP has been a strong advocate of GMO labeling, and now it seems as though the battle is going through a much anticipated turning point. Andrew Kimbrell* has written a great article on this turn-around, (also available on Food Revolution Network website (1))  “In a Remarkable Triumph of Democracy Over Corporate Power, GMO Labeling Has Finally Arrived in the U.S.” This article is copied below, and can also be read (with a great photo) on the Food Revolution website (1).

‘* Andrew Kimbrell is an internationally recognized public interest attorney, public speaker, and author. He is the founder and Executive Director of Center for Food Safety. (2)

See also my recent related articles, and a link to all GMO articles on this site:

Read on for the Food Revolution article: (more…)

Sustainable farming, ranching and gardening in the Flathead

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016
Veggie Landscape Garden

Veggie Landscape Garden

By Catherine Haug, May 17, 2016 (Photo from Mercola (3))

Did you see the article in Sunday’s Daily Inter Lake, “Former artists now run sustainable farm,” by Kathryn Houghton, and photos by Aaric Bryan? The farm is in the Flathead’s  lower valley, and is appropriately called “Lower Valley Farm.” You can view their website at (4). See References, below, for the link to the article on the DIL website (1), or a printable pdf version of the article and photos (2). Or email me for a higher-quality pdf.

Here’s how it begins: (more…)

Event Notice: Spring Herb Walk with Swan Valley Herbs, May 13, 2016

Saturday, May 7th, 2016
Ripening Hawthorn Berries (C. Haug photo)

Ripening Hawthorn Berries (C. Haug photo)

by Catherine Haug, May 7, 2016; updated 5/8 for the day of the week (correction in red).

  • What: Spring Herb Walk with Tom Tracey
  • When: Friday, May 13, 2016, 10 AM; NOTE: In case of rain, the walk will be cancelled
  • Where: Meet at Swan Valley Herbs (429 Grand Dr, Bigfork, MT 59911) or if you are running late, at Wayfarer’s Park* (8600 Mt. Hwy 35, Bigfork, MT 59911)
  • Who: No charge, adults welcome. No reservation needed.

For More Information: 

Contact Swan Valley Herbs in Bigfork, (406) 837-5747

GMO Apples

Saturday, April 30th, 2016


By Catherine Haug, April 30, 2016 (image, right, from Organic Consumers’ Association (4), used with permission)

A variety of GMO apple has been approved for a while now – the Arctic Apple in two varieties, Granny Smith and Golden Delicious (3); its DNA has been modified to keep it from turning brown once the apple is cut or sliced. You probably won’t see this in the produce section (at least not at first), but if you eat commercial products containing cooked apples, or prepped fresh fruit plates, you may be unwittingly eating this GMO apple.

It may sound harmless enough – at least it isn’t GMO to allow being heavily sprayed with insecticides – but it may actually be even worse than the pesticides. (more…)