Archive for the ‘GMO’ Category

GMO Apple: Comment to USDA by Dec 16, 2013

Thursday, December 12th, 2013


by Catherine Haug, Dec 12, 2013 (image, right, used by permission from the OCA)

DEADLINE DECEMBER 16: Tell the USDA You Don’t Want a GMO Apple!

You’ve probably heard about the latest GMO food seeking approval from the government. This apple has been genetically modified to prevent browning when the apple is peeled or cut.


Don’t these people know about soaking the cut apple in water with lemon juice added, to prevent browning? Browning of the apple flesh is a natural reaction when an enzyme in the apple cell is exposed to oxygen in the air, when the cell wall is penetrated by the knife. This browning has proved to be of no harm to humans for eons. Unlike the GMO aspect which most certainly will have a health risk.

And there’s the rub…. (more…)

Free online screening of Genetic Roulette, Nov 2 – 8, 2013

Saturday, November 2nd, 2013

by Catherine Haug, Nov 2, 2013

(As an aside, tonite, Nov 2, is the night to turn your clocks back one hour to standard time)

The Institute of Responsible Technology (IRT) announces a opportunity to view this important film about the harm of GMO foods for free, Nov 2 – 8, 2013. To sign in and view, go to Alternately you can view it on Mercola’s website: Genetic Roulette, The Gamble of Our Lives

From the IRT site’s “About the film:” (more…)

2013 “Dirty Dozen” – Foods best as Organic

Tuesday, October 8th, 2013
Apples at Market

Apples at Market

by Catherine Haug, October 8, 2013

Good Housekeeping recently published it’s new “Dirty Dozen” list – foods overly contaminated with pesticide and other chemicals, so that it pays to pay more for Organic. You can read the full report at The Daily Green: The New Dirty Dozen: 12 Foods to Eat Organic, but read on for a summary. Note that many local produce found at Farmers Markets or at your local grocer is raised Organically, even though it may not bear the Organic label, so be sure to inquire. (more…)

What is killing bees?

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013


by Catherine Haug, August 13, 2013

(photo, right from (3))

I’ve written about this topic before, but now there is a new bill in congress (HR-2692 or “Save America’s Pollinators Act”) to protect our bees and our food supply. This bill would require the EPA to pull neonicotinoid pesticides from the market until their safety is proven. Please consider writing to your representative(s) – Montana’s lone representative is Steve Daines. See Contact our Government.

There is also a Friends of the Earth Petition to large retailers like Lowes and Home Depot to pull neonicotenoids, a systemic fungicide that is especially harmful to bees – not just honey bees but also native bumble bees and others.

There is not just one thing responsible for the bee deaths, but rather several factors, many of which  have to do with reducing the bee’s immunity to infection by the Nosema parasite. Mercola lists all the prevalent theories in his article: Scientists Discover Fungicide and Pesticide are Killing Bees?and It’s Worse Than You Thought (1). Read on for his list, and for suggestions on how you can help bees. (more…)

The alarming truths about GMO

Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013

by Catherine Haug, July 24, 2013

I’ve written many posts on the harm of GMO foods (see Cat’s GMO Articles), but none tell the story as well as this 6:43 minute video on YouTube: The Alarming Truths About GMOs. If the embedded player doesn’t appear below, click the link to view it on YouTube.

YouTube video:

For more information

I learned of this video from Mercola’s article: Press questions GMO safety, which also features a 6 minute video clip from FOX news: FOX: Genetically Modified Food Concerns.

See also Cat’s GMO Articles on The EssentiaListWhat is Genetically Modified Food? (video)Non-GMO Shopping Guide (pdf). You may also with to post the GMO Information Flyer in public places around the valley.

Want to support the campaign in Washington state to label GMOs? Want to have a GMO labeling law in Montana? Read on.


USDA approves new ‘Non-GMO’ label for meat, liquid egg products

Friday, June 28th, 2013

by Catherine Haug, June 28, 2013NonGmoProject-meat label

(image, right, from (3))

One way to get around the absence of mandatory labeling of GMO and GE foods, is to create a label that certifies a food is GMO and GE free. Anyone can say on a label that it is “GMO free,” but without certification, the consumer has no way of knowing if the statement is true or false.

Now there will be a “Certified GMO/GE-Free” label, approved by the USDA, with certification by the Non-GMO Food Project. This label can be applied to meats and meat products, and also liquid egg products to assure the consumer the animals have not been fed a GMO diet.

Many consumers are not aware that most commercial livestock are fed a GMO diet; and they may not aware of the conflict of interest involved with many Organic and Non-GMO Brands. Read on for more on these topics. (more…)