Archive for the ‘GMO’ Category

Updates on the Battle Against GMO

Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

by Catherine Haug, June 2, 2011

The battle over GMO (genetically modified organisms)/GE (genetically engineered) foods continues in federal courts and in the court of public opinion. Several crops and foods are at the forefront of this battle.

[See my post Health Hazards of GMO Foods & Crops for more on what GMO/GE means, and how it can be hazardous for your health and that of your family.]


Health Hazards of GMO Foods & Crops

Thursday, June 2nd, 2011

by Catherine Haug, May 31, 2011

What is GMO?

Do you really know what GMO means? The acronym means Genetically Modified Organism. A related term, GE, means Genetically Engineered.

Do you think GMO & GE are just fancy terms for genetic breeding to perfect a desired trait in a plant or animal? If so, you’d be wrong. And it probably isn’t good for you or your family. (more…)

Feeding your Family — Or the World

Tuesday, May 31st, 2011

by Catherine Haug, August 29, 2010

One of the most prevalent arguments used by the biotech companies and mainstream agriculture to justify the use of GMO seeds, pesticides and synthetic fertilizers is that such use is the only way to feed the world. They argue that organic methods cannot even come close. However, if GMO crops were safe, and they really want to feed the world, why have they made the seeds of GMO crops sterile, requiring farmers to buy more seeds for every crop?

On the other side of the debate are the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), and similar voices, who argue that the use of Organic methods is the only way to ensure the health of the soil and water through the generations, and can more than feed the world.

It is my understanding that we already have more than enough food to feed all people around the world. If this is true, and I believe it is, then why do so many go hungry?

For the answer to this conundrum, one has to go back in history, to the beginnings of colonization of primitive peoples by powerful, civilized Europe. (more…)

In Support of Small Farmers & Gardeners

Friday, May 20th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, May 19, 2011

Did you see Mike Jopek’s piece in this week’s Flathead Beacon: Founding Farmers (05-18-11)? If not, check it out. He writes about how the USA’s founding fathers & former presidents George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison were also farmers. And about recent efforts to protect small farmers and gardeners at the state and national legislative levels. He quotes Sen. Tester:

“If you eat, you are affected by the U.S. food policy.” (more…)

GMO crops On/Near Wildlife Refuges in the West?

Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

by Catherine Haug, May 3, 2011

Thanks to Sally J for sending me this information.

On March 1, 2010, the Center for Food Safety (with other organizations) “filed a suit in federal court against the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service seeks to compel the Service to uproot genetically engineered (GE) crops from its Bombay Hook National Wildlife Refuge in Delaware. As many as 80 other national wildlife refuges across the country now growing GE crops are vulnerable to similar suits.” For more, see Lawsuit Filed to Bar GE Crops from National Wildlife Refuge.

Now the Center for Food Safety wants our help regarding mountain-prairie national wildlife refuges in the west. Your action is needed by May 6, 2011. (more…)

Just How Healthful is your Favorite Breakfast Cereal?

Thursday, March 31st, 2011

Breakfast of Champions

by Catherine Haug, March 29, 2011

(photo, right, from Wikipedia)

Do you, like most Americans, believe that a bowl of boxed breakfast cereal provides a good nutritious breakfast? If so, you might be in for a shock.

Unless it’s certified Organic, did you know that cornflakes are made from corn intended as animal feed, and is likely GMO?

Have you ever looked at a grain of wheat or kernel of corn? Do they look anything like a flake of Wheaties or Cornflakes. Does a grain of oat look like the round tube of Cheerios? No. So, how do they turn a grain into a flake or a round tube, and what is the nutritional consequence?

Some cereals are “fortified” to increase the nutritional value on the label. But what is used to fortify them?

Side note: It isn’t just cereals that are questionable as healthful foods. Consider the recent article in Main St blog: 16 Foods With Scary Surprises concerning allowed contaminants (maggots, rhodent hair, feces, etc.) in certain processed foods.
