Archive for the ‘GMO’ Category

GMO-Labelling Campaign in Montana

Sunday, January 6th, 2013

by Catherine Haug, January 5, 2012

If you are truly concerned about the invasion of GMOs in our food supply, please consider becoming active. A good place to start is the Tipping Point Network (TPN).  A conference call for interested Montanans is being organized for Tuesday January 8. When I have more information, I will post it as an event notice.

Read on for more about the TPN, and about Montana Organic Association’s new GMO page. (more…)

GE Salmon given green light by the FDA

Friday, December 21st, 2012


Catherine Haug, December 21, 2012

Genetically engineered (GE) salmon is about to hit our markets, if the FDA has its way. Dubbed by the OCA as “frankenfish,” this farmed salmon,was created by AquaBounty by inserting growth hormone genes into fertilized salmonid eggs.

It has just been given the green light by the FDA, based on research by AquaBounty. It is absurd and outrageous that the department ignored data from independent researchers like those at National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), National Academy of Science, and Purdue University.

This GE process also affects trout and Arctic char, as well as wild salmon. And NONE of these will be labeled as GE/GMO. Unless our congress or courts put a stop to this fast-track decision, you will be well advised to avoid all farmed salmon, trout and char.

The GE/GMO industry argues that this will only affect farmed salmon, but past history from fish hatcheries indicate that farmed salmon do escape into the wild. According to Salmon Nation, “Estimates of farmed salmon escapees in British Columbia total at least 400,000 fish from 1991 to 2001”

Contact our President, Senators and both our outgoing and incoming representatives; ask them to keep GE salmon off our plates. See Contact our Government for White House and current legislators. See for our Representative-elect. See Contact the White House

For more about GE Salmon see: (more…)

10 Packaged or Processed Foods Easy to Avoid

Sunday, December 16th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, December 16, 2012

Now that I’m retired and have much more time to cook from scratch (than when I was working 10-12 hours a day), I tend to take this blessing for granted. For those who are still working long hours, I know it is difficult to buy local and cook from scratch, so a short list of packaged/processed foods that are quick and easy to make from scratch, might be welcome.

The following list is from Dr. Mercola, who ‘borrowed’ the first 5 in the list from an article on He explains why the processed versions are best avoided. I’ve added my own comments/ideas as well. (more…)

More on GMO Labeling

Tuesday, December 11th, 2012


By Catherine Haug, December 7, 2012

On this Pearl Harbor day, I write about something far more deadly than bombs. Let us pause to remember those who have died in defense of our country, then vow to work to save ourselves from this insidious danger to our food supply.

GMO or GE foods are created by manipulating the DNA material of different species that would never breed naturally – like the banana-fish Frankenfood logo shown right (used by permission from the OCA). These foods are NOT normal, natural, organic, or safe. They pose a signifiant harm to you and your family’s health, not to mention that of our planet. For more on this, see my earlier posts:

The winter 2012 issue of Organic View, a publication of the Organic Consumers Association (OCA), includes an informative article about the battle for labeling GMO foods. Here are some highlights: (more…)

Who opposed California’s Prop-37 (GMO labeling)?

Thursday, November 15th, 2012


by Catherine Haug, November 14, 2012

By now I’m sure you heard that California’s Proposition-37 (the Right to Know Act that would mandate labeling of GMOs in foods) was defeated after a massive outpouring of money from GMO companies like Monsanto and DuPont. But you might be surprised to know who else contributed funds to oppose our right to know.

With the holidays coming up, here are some items you may wish to avoid:

  • Libby canned pumpkin,
  • Ocean Spray canned cranberry sauce or Craisins,
  • Land O’Lakes butter,
  • Campbell’s or Swanson chicken & beef broth,
  • Campbell’s Cool Whip
  • Con-Agra Reddi-Whip
  • Idahoan instant mashed potatoes,
  • Godiva chocolates,
  • Meadow Gold dairy,
  • Pepperidge Farm desserts and stuffing mixes.

Curious about more? Interested in boycott? See Companies Fighting Prop-37 and OCA: Boycott Organic-Brand Parent Companies. Below are familiar companies and a few of their brands you can find in our local grocery stores, just in case you want to avoid or boycott them. NOTE: almost all are processed foods and fast-food restaurants. They are not necessarily GMO today, but could be tomorrow. Even some ‘Organic‘ and ‘Natural‘ brands are in the list (indicated as bold-black text), because they are owned by a larger company that supports the use of GMOs.


GMO Documentary: “David vs Monsanto” – Free viewing

Saturday, November 3rd, 2012

by Catherine Haug, November 3, 2012

There is a very short window of opportunity for FREE viewing of this 2009 film about a Canadian farmer who stood up to Monsanto over GMO Canola. Percy Schmeiser won not only a victory for his own farm and family, but for all the farmers across Canada. His victory may also positively affect farmers & consumers in the US as well.

Dr. Mercola ( has arranged for free online viewing of this film at your leisure, through November 10. If the YouTube viewer does not display below, you can view it at YouTube: David vs Monsanto. I highly recommend watching it full-screen (the icon in the lower right corner – farthest right). The film is a little longer than 1 hour and well worth the watch. Mr. Schmeiser is a powerful and inspiring speaker.

For more information
