Archive for the ‘GMO’ Category

Unhealthful common foods to avoid

Sunday, June 16th, 2013

by Catherine Haug, June 16, 2013

Dr. Mercola lists 9 common foods you should never eat. I heartily agree with his assessment. If you avoid processed foods, use unrefined sea salt, and buy Organic produce (or locally-grown food from growers you trust), you will mostly avoid the bad foods on the list. The 9 common foods are: (more…)

Supreme Court Decision: Victory over biotech patenting of human DNA

Saturday, June 15th, 2013

by Catherine Haug, June 14, 2013

Yesterday, June 13, the US Supreme Court handed down a landmark decision about the patenting of genes or DNA. This particular case, Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad, concerned human DNA, but the implication of this decision could be far reaching.

The court declared, “A naturally occurring DNA segment is a product of nature and not patent eligible merely because it has been isolated…” (1)

This addresses what the court termed as only one category of DNA segment. It also identified another category of DNA segment that could be patentable. In other words, the court determined there are two categories of genes/DNA segments, and it ruled differently for each. (2)


GMO Labeling Law awaits Governor’s signature in Connecticut

Tuesday, June 4th, 2013


by Catherine Haug, June 4, 2013

(image, right, used by permission from the Organic Consumers Association)

On June 3, 2013, Connecticut passed a law requiring foods with genetically engineered ingredients to be labeled. The bill now awaits the governor’s signature. This is a major victory despite the House-added amendment requiring “five of nine neighboring states to pass similar GMO labeling laws, so long as those states have a combined population of 20 million” before the law would take effect (from the Alliance for Natural Health). The New York Times reports the legislature passed the bill  134 to 3.

This is a major victory for the anti-GMO movement. As of this writing more than 20 other states are considering GMO-labeling laws. Alaska passed a labeling law in 2005, affecting all GE fish and shellfish. Nevertheless, while the tide may be turning, the biotech industry is still a formidable adversary, defeating a labeling bill in New York legislative committee (from the New York Times).


The danger of High Fructose Corn Syrup and HFCS-90

Saturday, April 27th, 2013
High Fructose Corn Syrup

High Fructose Corn Syrup

by Catherine Haug, April 26, 2013

(photo, right, from

High fructose corn syrup, or HFCS, is a ubiquitous sweetener in commercial beverages and processed foods, but “numerous clinical studies have shown that people who consume excess amounts of fructose are more likely to develop diabetes, heart disease and become obese.” (1,2,3)

What makes HFCS so problematic is its primary sugar, fructose (a.k.a fruit sugar). The corn industry asserts that HFCS is no different from sugar (table sugar) and is metabolized just like sugar. But that assertion is mostly false, especially for HFCS-90. You should also know that HFCS is a GMO product.

For your own and your family’s health (not to mention that of the planet), be informed. See HFCS – FDA Allowing Illegal Ingredient In Foods & Beverages, and read on for my take on this subject.


Nutritional comparison: GMO corn vs Non-GMO Corn

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013
from Wikipedia:

Corn kernels

by Catherine Haug, April 10, 2013

Monsanto and other biotech companies maintain that there is no nutritional difference between GMO and non-GMO food. “On its corporate website, Monsanto claims that approved genetically-modified (GM) crops are “substantially equivalent” to non-GMOs, meaning they are not nutritionally different from non-GMO crops.” (2)

In my opinion, that assertion is nothing but shameless, baldfaced lies, and a recent report made public by MomsAcrossAmerica (1) proves the falsity. See also (2) for more info. (more…)

Agriculture on the rise in the Flathead?

Wednesday, April 10th, 2013
Canola Field in Lower Valley

Canola Field in Lower Valley

by Catherine Haug, April 8, 2013

(photo, right, by Devvi Morgan)

On January 15, 2013, Kalispell CHS General Manager Mark Lalum and Bigfork’s Duane Johnson, owner of Clearwater Biologicals (vegetable oil milling) gave a presentation to the Flathead County Democratic Party and Central Committee at the Swan River Community Hall. Matt Naber reports (in the January 23 issue of the Bigfork Eagle) that agriculture is on the rise in the Flathead. From the article:

[According to] Kalispell CHS General Manager Mark Lalum …“Ag is considered a new wealth industry. It’s what’s making us have a higher standard of living because it’s bringing in wealth.” … Alfalfa’s worth increases to $1,950 per acre once turned into cubes or pellets. Canola’s value per acre increases to $1,314.46 per acre, and camelina’s increases to $2,493.09 per acre once processed [to oils].

Indeed, this is big money. However, please note that ALL 3 of these crops are GMO. I suspect that if a monetary evaluation of the harm done by GMO crops to our soil, water, and health were completed, it would show our collective citizen wealth in a tumult.

Across our nation, most of the acreage producing these crops are corporate farms owned by Big Ag companies like Monsanto. While this may not be true in the Flathead today, the potential to make big money from these crops could lure the corporations to our valley.

The article goes on to discuss the premium value of Montana wheat: (more…)