Archive for the ‘Energy’ Category

Gathering Summary: Root Cellars, Gardens & Greenhouses (June 24, 2009)

Saturday, June 27th, 2009

by Catherine Haug

Our June 24 gathering featured a 42 minute slideshow video produced by ESP. Most of the photos were taken by Edd Blackler; layout and video production by Catherine Haug. This summary includes some, but not all, of the photos used in the slideshow.

Locations featured:

  • Yenne:  Homestead root cellar, and garden
  • Hadden:  New above-ground root cellar, and garden
  • Funk:  Humanure compost, garden & orchard, greenhouse and root cellar.
  • Guerrant:  Greenhouse, henhouse, garden & orchard
  • Haug: revamped root cellar, garden & orchard

Also included are a few ideas and recommendations from Root Cellaring by Mike & Nancy Bubel, and group discussion the night of the gathering.

See Gathering Summary: Gathering Summary: Root Cellars, Gardens & Greenhouses Slideshow, 062409, for complete printable pdf file of the event summary (496 kb, 10 pages).

See also EssentiaList Handout: Storage of Produce (128 kb pdf) including tips for storing fruits, vegetables and grains, and cold storage options for root veggies.

See also Motion-Activated, Non-Fence for Deer & Other Critters, with information from Keith B.

On the Brink of Crisis: A Commencement Address

Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

by Catherine Haug

Up ’til now, ESP has not pushed the impending economic/peak oil/climate/political crisis as a reason to change one’s way of life.  Rather, we have simply explored many ideas and actions on their own merit.  Now we have decided to explore a bit deeper, this crisis in which we are now all enveloped, and our response to it.

Sharon Astyk’s blog, Casaubon’s Book,  explores “a future shaped by peak oil, climate change and economic instability.” Edmund suggested we start with Sharon’s May 15 post (As You Go Out Into the World), a hard look at the future for the College Class of 2009. It offers a fairly succinct challenge to all of us as we prepare to meet the changes that await us all. Will we be ready? Will we accept the challenge? (more…)

Cold Storage Info

Friday, April 3rd, 2009

by Catherine Haug

Updated October 16, 2009 to add a single-page Winter Storage Chart you can hang in your storage area.

Have you even wondered how to store foods long term, without electricity? Many foods can be stored long-term in a root cellar (typically 40 – 450F), but perishable foods such as milk and butter require colder storage options. Of course, in winter, the whole world is a refrigerator and you merely need to find a spot where things won’t freeze.

Refer to The EssentiaList: Refrigeration without Electricity for the full article.  Root Cellars, Cold stream, Spring House, Well House, Ice Box, and Ice House are all discussed.

See also The EssentiaList: Cold Storage of Vegetables

NEW!:  Winter Storage Chart. This is a single page chart for the most commonly stored items, that you can print out and hang in your storage area(s), and includes:

  • ideal temperature
  • ideal humidity, and
  • notes on how to store and how long each item will keep.

Greening-Up at Bigfork Schools

Saturday, February 28th, 2009

by Sally Janover

According to Pam Willison, a teacher at Bigfork, there are several green projects in the works at Bigfork Schools:

  • School Garden:  The Elementary School has a plot on their grounds for a veggie garden; the High School Bio Club is considering an offer of assistance.  
  • Earth Day 2009:  The school is also making plans to celebrate Earth Day 2009:  The Green Generation, on April 22.  The Bio club is preparing a 30 minute power-point presentation that will be shown the week leading up to Earth Day.  This presentation will cover garbage from the landfill backward to our school and what each student should be doing.
  • Recycling:  The students have contracted with the Green Machine, a recycling service in Kalispell, to pick up recyclables at the school.  This probably does not include glass.  The elementary, middle, and high schoosl will be working on the fund raising to pay the monthly fee for the service.


2009 Stimulus Package: Retrofit your Home for Big Tax Credits

Saturday, February 28th, 2009

If you’ve been thinking about spending some cash to make your home more energy-efficient, or to convert to a ‘green’ energy source, there has never been a better time. (more…)

Improving Home Energy Efficiency (9/24/08)

Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

A Panel Discussion at ESP’s September 24, 2008 Gathering


Our panel consisted of representatives from our local energy companies, a locally-owned hardware and building supply store, and a local handyman/remodeler.

Discussion topics included:

  • Residential insulation,
  • Reducing carbon footprint,
  • Retrofitting existing homes,
  • New construction and remodeling,
  • Source of electricity in the Flathead,
  • Comparison of various methods of heating/cooling.

Remember:  a highly efficient heat system is only as good as your home’s insulation and sealing.

Fore more, refer to the complete summary of this gathering: