Archive for the ‘Ecology’ Category

Reduce plastic use: make-your-own produce bags

Monday, May 2nd, 2016


By Catherine Haug, May 2, 2016 (photo, right, from Wikimedia Commons)

I hate using throw-away plastic bags at the grocery store. I bring my own fabric bags for my groceries and keep a few used plastic bags inside for my produce; in this way I reduce plastic use. But still, my fresh Organic produce is exposed to the toxins in the plastic (and reusing the bags only increases that exposure, as use causes more toxins to be given off).

I have thought about making my own bags, but just never get around to it. See Wellness Mamma (1) for instructions on making the bags. And read on for my additional ideas. (more…)

Film Showing: “This Changes Everything” April 21, 2016

Friday, April 15th, 2016

By Catherine Haug, April 15, 2016

The following is from Montana Environmental Information Center (MEIC)

This film will be shown one evening only. It is about confronting the climate crisis to build a better world, and re-imagining the vast challenge of climate change. .

  • When: April 21.2016. Doors open at 6:30 PM, film starts at 7 PM, with a Q&A after the film.
  • Where: Casey’s 9bar), 101 Central Ave, Whitefish MT
  • Cost: $10 to benefit MEIC and the Whitefish Review. Tickets for sale at the door, only.
  • For more information: contact MEIC at (406) 443-2520. See also This Changes Everything: The Film. Or view the trailer on YouTube:


Event Notice: Oppose bridge to Dockstader’s Island April 4, 2016

Thursday, March 31st, 2016

By Catherine Haug, March 31, 2016

The following is from Dave Hadden, of CANSC (Community Association for North Shore Conservation)

Flathead Lake needs you to show up at the Flathead County Commissioners’ meeting room this Monday, April 4 at 9:00 am.  The commissioners will be hearing an application for a “permit amendment” from the developer of the bridge on the north shore.  The developer will be adding:
  • Gargoyles
  • Lighting
  • Pennant flags
  • And cross bracing under the bridge
All of these additions will add to obstruction of navigable waters and further degrade the scenic qualities of the north shore.  
The commissioners need to see that people are concerned about this bridge.
(you’ll have to click again when new page comes up)

Toxic industrial waste in chemical fertilizers, compost, and potting soil

Saturday, December 5th, 2015
Canola Field in Lower Valley, Bigfork MT

Canola Field in Lower Valley, Bigfork MT

By Catherine Haug, Dec. 3, 2015 (photo, right, by D. Morgan)

A vast majority of commercial farms use chemical fertilizers rather than Organic methods to grow large-scale commercial crops such as potatoes, peas, wheat corn and soy. Most of these chemical fertilizers contain ‘biosolids,’ another name for “treated sewage sludge … intended for agricultural use as a soil conditioner.” Sewage sludge is the solid material that settles out at wastewater treatment plants. (1)

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have found that “biosolids can contain measurable levels of synthetic organic compounds, radionuclides and heavy metals.” (1) Where do these come from? How do they get into the sewage sludge? (more…)

Importance of Regenerative Agriculture

Sunday, November 29th, 2015

by Catherine Haug, Thanksgiving, 2015

I first learned of ‘Regenerative Agriculture’ last spring when I watched a PBS documentary (1) on the subject. That 26 minute video is still available to watch online (1).

Our modern farming methods treat soil like dirt, instead of giving it the love and respect it deserves. We don’t understand how important microbes are to the soil, that they convert nutrients in the soil to a form the plants can utilize. To flourish, they need carbon (and oxygen) in the soil, but we let the carbon escape into the atmosphere, warming the earth and leading to climate change.

Regenerative agriculture is about giving back to the soil with rich compost, humus, and biochar, to return carbon to the soil and provide microbes that connect the plants to the nutrients in the soil.

Event Notice: Northwest Montana Beekeepers Group, Nov. 24, 2015

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015


From Jason Moore, Polson, 10/27/15 (Photo, right, from Bug Guide (1))

Northwest Montana Beekeepers Group meets:

  • 4th Tuesday of each month, at 6:45pm; upcoming November meeting will be 11/24/15
  • Montana Co-op, at at 401 Main St, Polson. (SE corner of 4th ave. and Main st.)
  • potluck followed by a meet and greet.  Come with your ideas and questions.
  • Current and prospective beekeepers are welcome.

For more information, contact Jason Moore,, Montana Co-op,  35849 Mud Lake Trail, Polson, MT 59860.

On a related topic, see a 2010 posting about Flathead Beekeepers (2).


  2. Flathead Beekeepers Club (article):