Archive for the ‘Ecology’ Category

Honeybees in the Ecosystem: Event Summary

Monday, March 16th, 2009

Presentation at the Swan Ecosystem Center (March 12, 2009)

From the original event notice:Honeybee

Jerry Bromenshenk is at the forefront of research on honeybees and colony collapse disorder (CCD).  The program is geared toward gardeners and people interested in weed eradication. [photo from The Bug Guide]

Steve Eisenberg attended this wonderful event, and provides his notes for our blog. (more…)

Greening-Up at Bigfork Schools

Saturday, February 28th, 2009

by Sally Janover

According to Pam Willison, a teacher at Bigfork, there are several green projects in the works at Bigfork Schools:

  • School Garden:  The Elementary School has a plot on their grounds for a veggie garden; the High School Bio Club is considering an offer of assistance.  
  • Earth Day 2009:  The school is also making plans to celebrate Earth Day 2009:  The Green Generation, on April 22.  The Bio club is preparing a 30 minute power-point presentation that will be shown the week leading up to Earth Day.  This presentation will cover garbage from the landfill backward to our school and what each student should be doing.
  • Recycling:  The students have contracted with the Green Machine, a recycling service in Kalispell, to pick up recyclables at the school.  This probably does not include glass.  The elementary, middle, and high schoosl will be working on the fund raising to pay the monthly fee for the service.


Rainwater Collection (7/23/08)

Sunday, February 22nd, 2009

Presentation by Bill Brenner, July 23, 2008


Bill described his roof-collection, filtration and storage systems, consisting of a steel roof and gutters, rain barrels, underground cistern, and a pump; and a rough cost for the system.  Much lively discussion with the audience.

For more, refer to the complete summary:

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