Archive for the ‘Ecology’ Category

Tips: Natural Pest Control in the Garden

Friday, July 3rd, 2009

by Catherine Haug, July 2009

I’m researching natural ways to protect my garden from pests, and thought I’d share this information with our ESP community, as I come across them. I moved tips from other posts to this one, to consolidate them in one place (hopefully I found them all…).

This post addresses practical applications in your garden.  See also my article  Natural Pest & Weed Control for good gardening practices to help your plants fed off insects and diseases.

If you have any great tips, pass them on to me via in an email and I’ll add the tip. (NOTE: comments to this post by others have been disabled due to abundance of spam. But if you send me your ideas, tips, I can add the comment for you).


Reverse the Effects of Growth?

Sunday, June 14th, 2009

by Catherine Haug

Edmund recently sent a provocative article from the Telegraph titled “Leonard – US cities may have to be bulldozed in order to survive.” This concerns a plan in the declining city of Flint, Michigan, where whole districts lie vacant from foreclosures and the departure of workers who have lost their jobs at GM.

De-constructing suburbia

The plan in Flint is to raze the vacant districts, contracting the city by as much as 40%. The remaining areas would be consolidated into distinct urban centers separated by countryside. (more…)

Native Plant Garden on Bridge Street?

Friday, May 29th, 2009

by Catherine Haug

ESP is soliciting ideas and volunteers to help with getting a new project off the ground.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a well-tended native plant garden in the village, not only to add beauty to the village, but also to educate passers-by to the importance of our native plants?

Future native garden?Over the last year, CFBB (Community Foundation for a Better Bigfork) completed its sidewalk construction project down the hill from Osborne & Mill, along the east side of Bridge Street.  The area on the other side of the handrail was filled with good soil, but then left to grow weeds, mainly quack grass.  

This would make an excellent location for a native plant garden.  A big bonus is that once they are established, the natives will not need a watering system, and will help retard the incursion of weeds, minimizing seasonal maintenance needs.

Brett Thuma is interested in designing the garden, but funding and labor are required to eradicate the quack grass, purchase and set the plants, and keep the area weeded while the plants become established. A volunteer group to maintain the garden should be established.

If you have ideas, or want to volunteer, please contact Catherine or Edd (see our Contact ESP page for email and phone info).

Progress at St. Patrick’s Community Garden

Monday, May 25th, 2009

by Catherine Haug


Tilling garden siteThis last week, a group of volunteers planted approximately 70 pounds of red and white potatoes in newly tilled ground behind St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church in Ferndale.  In the next few days, a small plot of pumpkins and corn will be added.  This is all in a newly tilled field planned for approximately one hundred 15′ x 15′ community garden plots in 2010.  You can view a sample plot at the site.


A large compost bin in available at the site, if you would like to contribute compostable materials for next summer’s gardens.  Donations of straw bales, for use in mulching the potato garden are also welcomed.

From the Bigfork Eagle:

The following article and photo are by Alex Strickland, editor of the Bigfork Eagle, and appeared in the May 21st issue of that newspaper (used with permission). (more…)

Net-Zero, Really?

Wednesday, May 20th, 2009

by Catherine Haug

Solar-powered home, Boulder CO

The May 10, 2009 Denver Post published an article titled “Houses move off grid, into mainstream,” by Jason Blevins. It leads with a photo of a solar-powered home, with the following caption

“This net-zero home in Boulder uses solar power and produces all of its own energy. (RJ Sangosti, The Denver Post )”

Is something missing here?  What is meant (and understood) by net-zero? ESP is soliciting your comments at the bottom of this page.  We want to have a real conversation about “Net-Zero.” (more…)

On Gardening (May 2, 2009 DIL)

Tuesday, May 5th, 2009

by Catherine Haug

The May 2, 2009 issue of “Lawn & Garden,” a special section of the Saturday Daily Interlake, featured several gardening articles.  What follows are the highlights I gleaned from them. (more…)