Archive for the ‘Ecology’ Category

Earth Hour: March 27, 2010

Tuesday, March 23rd, 2010

by Catherine Haug

updated 3/25/10 with link on 7 Things to do in the Dark (sent by Sally J)

Once again it is time to observe Earth Hour, this coming Saturday March 27, 1010 beginning at 8:30 PM (local time). Montana is one of 26 states that have officially pledged to observe earth hour. From the World Wildlife Fund:

During Earth Hour, … hundreds of millions of people around the world will turn off their lights for one hour as a call to action on climate change. From Mongolia to Argentina, the Arctic to Antarctica, from the Cook Islands to Russia and across the United States, lights at homes, businesses, government buildings and iconic landmarks will dim, making the switch toward creating a cleaner, safer and more secure future.

During this hour, turn off all your lights, TV, and anything else that provides light by electric power, including yard lights. Light candles, oil lamps, etc. and enjoy the company of your family; go outside and observe the beautiful night sky without the interference of electrical lighting; or simply sit in darkness and meditate.

To learn more or get involved: see World Wildlife Fund: Earth Hour 2010 or the My Earth Hour site.

Earth-Friendly Livestock Production

Sunday, March 21st, 2010

by Catherine Haug

Sheep near Flam, Norway

Sheep near Flam, Norway

One reason why vegetarians and vegans espouse their diet is because livestock production is bad for your health and the environment.

While this is certainly true of meat from animals raised commercially in confinement pens, you do have another option: choose meats from animals raised in a natural, earth-friendly manner, and improve your health in the bargain.

See Jan 25, 2010 article in Time Magazine for a mainstream take on this subject: How Cows (Grass-Fed Only) Could Save the Planet

Or read on…


More on Bees & Other Pollinators

Sunday, March 21st, 2010

by Catherine Haug

Last year we had a gathering on the topic of Pollinators and their Habitat, which included presentations by three guests:

  • Tom Lawrence on Keeping Honey Bees
  • John Holbrook on Native Orchard Mason Bees
  • Tamus Gannon on Native Plants as Habitat for Pollinators

This topic continues to be of interest to ESP. See below for:

  • Science Daily Articles on Pollinators
  • Mason Bees and their Homes
  • How to Construct a Bee Block
  • Previous ESP Posts on Native Bees & Honeybees (more…)

Mason Bee Motels for 2010; updated Mar 6

Saturday, March 6th, 2010

by Catherine Haug

Update log:

  • 3/6/10 adds link to John’s new handout that comes with the blocks, and sketch of attaching hardware cloth to keep out woodpeckers;
  • 3/3/10 on care instructions for those who purchased blocks last year;
  • 2/23/10 for prices;
  • 5/21/10 adds links to more informational files on bees and motels.


Headwaters Montana

Monday, January 18th, 2010

by Catherine Haug, from Dave Hadden of Headwaters Montana

“The North Fork (of the Flathead) is a river and a watershed.  A living landscape.  And habitat for critters and humanity.  Join with Headwaters Montana to increase your voice for the North Fork, one that industry and politicians respect.”

Headwaters Montana is seeking new “Voices for the North Fork.” The goal is 2010 voices by the end of the year 2010. “These voices include you and your friends and colleagues, and will serve as the voice for the voiceless treasures of the North Fork.”

“Currently there are 597 Voices.  Only 1413 new Voices to go!”

To learn more, and to join this organization working to keep the North Fork pure and pristine, see

New Ice Age Floods National Geologic Trail Includes the Flathead

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

by Catherine Haug

Last year congress passed, and President Obama signed, the Omnibus Public Lands Act, which included a number of bills important for the protection and interpretation of America’s National Park System. Included was the creation of a new National Geologic Trail in the Pacific Northwest that includes the Flathead!

The Trail
