Archive for the ‘Ecology’ Category

Dumpster Diving & Repurposing

Wednesday, September 14th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, September 14, 2011

Flathead County wants to curtail all dumpster diving in the county. The cited reasons for the ban have to do with public safety: one can get hurt or sick scrounging in the dumpsters, or attacked by fellow divers who want what you found. But how much of that really happens at our rural drop sites?

Back in June, the County Solid Waste District Board heard public comments (see the minutes for the comments), and on July 1, they adopted a ban on dumpster diving at the Columbia Falls green boxes, as an experiment to be monitored. In August the Daily Inter Lake reported that there has been no significant increase in waste hauled from the Columbia Falls container site.

So it must be OK to continue with the ban, and expand it to other container sites?

Well, not if you support reuse and repurposing. If perfectly useable but cast-off items must not be saved from going to the dump, finding those items for repurposing becomes much more difficult, and possibly expensive. The only reasonable options remaining are yard and rummage sales.

Come to ESP’s Repurposing Show & Tell, Sept 21, to see some great examples of repurposing, and also to discuss the dumpster diving issue.

And for a bit of entertaining reading, see: My LIfe as a (Dumpster) Diver by Natalya Savka, on the Sierra Club website. From the post: “Some people scavenge food from dumpsters not because they need to, but because they hate to see so much go to waste. They bring flashlights and strong stomachs, and are ready to run.”

The Harm of GMO

Thursday, September 8th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, August 30, 2011

I am deeply dismayed that so many people are ignorant of the threat posed by GMO foods, not only to human health, but also to the health of our environment and planet. Typical misunderstandings:

  • GMO is just another type of Mendelian Breeding to favor a desired trait (See my post Health Hazards of GMO Foods & Crops for a discussion of this topic)
  • GMO foods are no different from non-GMO foods;
  • GMO foods are less expensive;
  • Only GMO can solve world hunger;
  • GMO food production does not harm the planet.

Even if the GMO-nature of the food did not pose problems for humans and the planet, the fact that most GMO foods are far more heavily treated with herbicides and pesticides should send up a red flag. While YOU may not eat roundup-ready corn or soy, that beef steak you had last night likely came from a steer that did, so the steak likely contains GMO product, and now you have it too. (more…)

Mountain Biking: User conflicts on the rise

Friday, August 26th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, Aug 25, 2011

Have you been hiking in our gorgeous wild areas, only to be rudely interrupted by mountain bikers crossing your path as they careen madly downhill? If so, you’re not alone. Such incidents are on the rise. Headwaters Montana wants your help to do something about this problem.

from Headwaters Montana Newsletter, August 16, 2011 (more…)

On Composting, Mulching, Humanure, & Sewage Sludge

Saturday, July 23rd, 2011

by Catherine Haug, with David Brown, July 15, 2011

Dave Brown: Sifting compost

(all photos by David Brown unless noted otherwise)

Kalispell gardener and composter David Brown has been conducting composting experiments in his yard for years.  From using a simple hole in the ground which he fills with kitchen and yard waste, to a sophisticated separating toilet, David is a wealth of ideas.

See also his earlier article, originally published in the Daily InterLake: Composting: Yard Waste (11).


Just Pop a Pill; You’ll Be Better in the Morning

Thursday, July 14th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, June 3 ,2011; updated Sept 4, 2011

We are a drug-addicted nation. I’m not just talking about illegal drugs. I’m talking about prescription drugs, over the counter (OTC) drugs, and supplements. Somewhere along the way, we stopped being a nation of people who rarely take an aspirin, to one that consumes at least $330 Billion in legal drugs annually.

What are the health consequences of this choice? (more…)

Recycling Options in Bigfork

Monday, June 27th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, June 23, 2011

Many of us are already using the Green Machines curbside recycling service in Bigfork, or dropping off recyclables at one of the many drop sites in the valley. Now we also have another curbside service. Here’s a listing of current options: (more…)