Archive for the ‘Ecology’ Category

Montana’s Congressional Delegation on GMOs

Sunday, January 15th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, Jan 15, 2012

Senators Baucus & Tester, and Representative Rehberg responded to recent comments from their constituency regarding GMOs. As you can see from the complete responses (below):

  • Tester asserts that GMO foods should be labeled, and that there are unanswered questions regarding these foods that need to be addressed.
  • Baucus supports GMO foods as being good for Montana’s Ag economy.
  • Rehberg takes no stand either way, only saying that we need to be ready to make the right decisions based on sound evidence vs cost.

If you believe GMOs should be labeled; if you believe we should not approve any more GMO foods until we know more about the long-term affects on the health of our people, animals and the planet, you might address our legislators accordingly, and cast your votes for those who support your position.

On the other hand, if you believe that GMOs are no different (from a health and ecological perspective) than their non-GMO counterparts, then your address to our legislators or your vote may be different, but no less important.

If you are undecided on this important issue, you might want to read some of my earlier posts on GMOs; see the following link: Cat’s posts on GMOs.

For the complete responses from our legislators, read on. (more…)

Repurposing Magazine & Newsprint Paper

Sunday, January 15th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, January 13, 2012

Do you have any creative ideas for reusing/repurposing magazine and newsprint paper? Or do you know of an artist or otherwise creative person who does this? Back Porch View Magazine wants ideas for an article in the Spring issue of the magazine.

Contact Chris at 480-6134 or apibooks(at)yahoo(dot)com [Note: address disguised for security.] Or see the magazine’s About Us page for other contact options, or to learn more about the magazine.

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On a related note, one of my memoir chapters will be published in the Spring issue, so be sure to pick one up! For those who don’t know, my memoir is about growing up in 1950s-60s Bigfork, where my parents owned a bar in the village. This chapter is called The Great Cribbage Tournament.

New legislation affecting GMOs

Wednesday, December 14th, 2011


By Catherine Haug, December 14, 2011

Image, right, from Organic Consumers’ Association.

In my opinion, there is good news on the horizon regarding GMOs. Rep. Dennis Kucinich has introduced two new bills affecting GMOs:

  • HR3553  would mandate GMO labeling, and
  • HR3554 would provide stricter safety protections for genetically engineered (GE) products.

To learn more about these bills, refer to ANH Action Alert: GMO Legislation, or see below. If you support for these bills, you can take action on the ANH Action Alert: GMO Legislation website. Alternately, whether you support or oppose these bills:

For more of my articles on GMOs, see ESP Topics: GMO. For more on the two proposed bills, read on.


Benefit and Care of Trees Around your Home

Saturday, November 19th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, November 14, 2011

Last month I posted Taming Stormwater with Trees; this month I want to talk about use of trees and shrubs around your home. Did you know that trees around your home can increase your property value by 15%, and improve your odds of a sale? Why would this be?

Properly maintained trees and shrubs add to curbside appeal because of their beauty, but they also provide the following benefits:

  • Decrease carbon dioxide (CO2) and increase oxygen (O2) levels in the atmosphere;
  • Improve water quality and reduce erosion;
  • Give songbirds a home, and provide food for all kinds of wildlife;
  • Provide shade in summer and a windbreak in winter, thereby reducing your cooling and heating costs.

Read on for information on: Siting a tree; Planting a tree, and Tree care.  (more…)

Repurposing & Permaculture Ideas

Saturday, October 29th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, October 28, 2011

Are you concerned about all the reusable greywater going down the drain? Would you like a way to recharge batteries using foot-power? Interested in becoming a guerilla-gardener?

If so here’s an interesting website to get you inspired: Interesting Permaculture & Repurposing Applications. Read on for more information on these projects.


Toxic flame retardants in your home

Wednesday, October 19th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, October 19, 2011

Many products in your home have, by law, been treated with flame retardants, or are made with synthetic materials that are, in themselves, flame retardant (such as some foam paddings). While this might sound like a good thing, most of these retardants are quite toxic.

Mattresses, sofas, upholstered chairs, cushions, pillows and many baby products are all heavily treated in this way.

Perhaps topping the list of toxic flame retardants are PBDE’s (polybrominated diphenyl ethers). In general, any chemical with bromide, chloride or fluoride derivatives is toxic; PBDE is toxic in much the same way as PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl). A prime reason for the toxicity of these halides is that they replace iodine in many of the body’s molecules, or bind to sites meant to bind iodine-containing hormones like thyroid hormone. They are also known to disrupt other hormones as well.

See the Environmental Working Group’s Guide to PBDEs for more, and how to avoid products containing/treated with these chemicals. From a sustainability perspective, the following (from the Guide) is the best advice of all:

“…opt for less flammable fabrics and materials, like leather, wool and cotton. Be aware that “natural” latex foam will also contain fire retardants.”


  1. Environmental Working Group:
  2. Mercola: The mattress which plays havoc with your hormones