Archive for the ‘Ecology’ Category

A matter of prescription

Monday, May 28th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, May 27, 2012

This post is my personal opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of other members of the ESP team.

I recently became ill with “walking pneumonia” caused by mycoplasma bacteria. I understand is going around the valley. I’ve had pneumonia before, and I know that puts me at greater risk for this disease and for a more serious condition. My symptoms were: no fever, wheezing, coughing (sometimes intense, bringing up phlegm), and depleted energy. Because it is bacterial, it can be treated with prescription antibiotics. However, based on the experience I had following this diagnosis, I have some advice to share with you.

But first, my experience. It all came to a head on a Friday, so knowing the weekend was ahead with limited access to health professionals, I did two things: (more…)

Take the quiz: The Fracking Truth

Wednesday, May 16th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, May 16, 2012

Right now, many members of our community are working in the Bakken oil fields, the latest fracking mecca, because of the shortage of good paying jobs here in the Flathead. And many public officials are touting the job-creation benefits of fracking large oil-shale deposits like the Bakken. But are these lasting jobs? Or will the Bakken eventually be another series of ghost towns?

The same public officials also project that tapping huge oil and gas deposits in the Bakken will make us independent of foreign oil, and bring the price of fuel down. Is this true? Will the US be the prime beneficiary of Bakken oil? Will we get lower prices at the pump?

How is the tremendous influx of workers impacting the local communities? Was the murder of the Sydney teacher Sherry Arnold an isolated incident? Or is there huge potential for more?

Take the quiz: You don’t know frack and see how well you do. Only 10 multiple choice questions. (Note: not all the questions I ask above are included in the quiz, but they are discussed later in this article). Read on, for more. (more…)

Event Summary: ESP at 2012 Preparedness Fair

Saturday, May 12th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, May 12, 2012

Bigfork Emergency Response Team (BERT) hosted the first Bigfork Preparedness Fair on May 5, 2012. Although the weather was wet, windy and cold, the fair had an excellent turnout: over 300 people signed in and there were many booths both indoors and out, as well as several lecturers.

ESP had a booth in one corner of the main room, featuring a backboard of photos from past gatherings, books on sustainability topics to browse through, and Jeffrey Fund’s pedal-powered grain grinder for people to try out. We had several different grains to grind: spelt, Jeffrey’s wheat and Wheat Montana’s Prairie Gold wheat. (more…)

Seafood Guide: Do you know where your seafood comes from?

Saturday, May 5th, 2012

Salmon at Market

by Catherine Haug, May 5, 2012

Food and Water Watch is watching our backs when it comes to healthful seafood. Much of the earth’s oceans and spawning streams are contaminated with mercury and other toxic heavy metals, PCBs, petroleum-based toxins and lots of other foul stuff, that then contaminate the seafood that live in the waters, and finally us.

Which fisheries are the cleanest?, Which species accumulate less toxic load than others?

Now you can consult Food & Water Watch’s handy 2012 Seafood Guide, to help you make healthful selections at the market, and support clean fisheries. There is an online guide, a downloadable pocket guide and much more. Read on for the links. (more…)

Recycling Electronics Equipment

Sunday, March 25th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, October 24, 2010; updated March 25, 2012 for 2012 event dates

Recently, one of our ESP community members asked about recycling old computer equipment. He noted that Target charges $10 per item to recycle it. So I did some checking and here’s what I found: (more…)

Planning your eco-friendly yard & garden

Saturday, March 24th, 2012


by Catherine Haug, March 24, 2012

(photo, right from

The Bigfork Eagle included a great article in their Living Green supplement this week: “Tips for an eco-friendly garden space.” I’m sorry I cannot give credit to whomever wrote it, because the article doesn’t include the author’s name. Read on for my take on the three ideas, one of my own, and links to other articles on this subject. (more…)