Archive for the ‘Ecology’ Category

Guerrilla Gardening

Friday, March 15th, 2013

GuerrillaGardening.orgby Catherine Haug, March 14, 2013

(photo from

Wikipedia defines Guerrilla Gardening as: “gardening on land that … is an abandoned site or area not cared for by anyone.”

Want to be a Guerrilla Gardener? Check out the TED video: Ron Finley: A guerilla gardener in South Central LA

Where to plant?

Choose land, preferably public, that is being abused or neglected. Land that could benefit our environment by nurturing deep-rooted carbon sequestering crops, or benefit our hungry by providing fresh food for your local food bank.

Look for unloved public space with neglected flower beds, planters that collect litter and weeds, or bare plots of mud.

What to plant?


Kitchen hint: Homemade citrus cleaner

Saturday, February 9th, 2013


by Catherine Haug, February 9, 2013 (image of hybrid Indian oranges from Wikipedia)

To see all kitchen hints on this site, see: Kitchen Hints. If you’d like to submit a kitchen hint, send it to me and I’ll publish it. Note that if you don’t want your name used, just let me know.

The following hint comes from Kassandra, a new member of our community. She may do an upcoming presentation on homemade skin care and/or homemade cleaning products, so stay tuned. (more…)

Breaking our addiction to plastic everything

Saturday, February 9th, 2013

by Catherine Haug, February 9, 2013

Ever since I learned how to make plastic in college organic chemistry class; ever since Dustin Hoffman’s Benjamin was advised , “One word:…Plastics” in The Graduate, I’ve been cautious about my use of, and exposure to plastic. It hasn’t been easy. Plastics are everywhere, and very beguiling.

They are in our carpets and rugs; our toothbrushes; shopping bags; food storage containers and wrap; food; blankets, sheets, and towels; purses, wallets, backpacks, lunch boxes; grocery bags; milk jugs, pop bottles, liquor bottles; dishes and drinking glasses; eyewear; wigs; yard tools, lawn mowers, leaf blowers; automobiles; shoes and boots; clothing and decorator fabric; furniture; building materials; water and sewer pipes; appliances; wall paint; picnic supplies; children’s toys; bicycles; sewing machines and supplies; thread, yarn, string, rope; electrical wiring; playground equipment; landscaping materials. I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

It seems we cannot do without them. But……life as we know it cannot last much longer, with them. They pollute our oceans; kill our seafood and disrupt the sea food chain. They pollute our groundwater and the soil that grows our foods. They disrupt our hormones – especially in the womb – so that many children will grow up to be sterile. They affect gene expression.

Plastics require a lot of energy – fossil fuel energy – to be made from precious petroleum or foods like corn and soy. There is only so much fossil fuels on the planet, and plastics are chewing up more than half of our annual fuel consumption, when you consider the raw materials and fuels to make them, fuels to transport them, fuels to haul them to the dump and bury them there.

Addicted to Plastic (Documentary)

View the free 90-minute film on YouTube: Addicted To Plastic- Documentary.

Then read on for some suggestions to minimize our use of plastics. And send me your reuse/repurpose plastic ideas for publication on this website. (more…)

Gathering Summary: Furniture & Art from Found Materials, by Sean Guerrero, Sept. 2012

Sunday, January 27th, 2013

by Catherine Haug, November 6, 2012 [Cat’s note, 1/27/13: I just realized I’d not published this summary; my apologies!]

The Daily InterLake had a good article about our presenter, Sean Guerrero, in its Nov. 3, 2012 issue, which I have copied in its entirety below. It pretty much covers what Sean discussed at his presentation. However, those who didn’t come, missed his telling of many stories about his interaction with the Hollywood people who commissioned his art. Sean is an entertaining story teller!

See One man’s junk is artist Sean Guerrero’s treasure in the Daily InterLake, Saturday Nov 3, 2012. Text copied below (in case the DIL deletes the article from its internet site). (more…)

Event Notice: Comment on Proposed Closure of Bigfork Green Box Site, Jan 22, 2013

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

by Catherine Haug, January 15, 2013 (from a local flyer)

Did you know that the county plans to close our green box site on Hwy 83 near Bigfork Stage? Join fellow Bigfork Citizens who care, at the meeting of the Solid Waste Board.

  • What: Meeting of Flathead County Solid Waste Board
  • When:Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 3 PM
  • Where: Fathead Co. Solid waste Office; 4098 Hwy 93 N, Kalispell MT (Turn west at the landfill)
  • Who: Free, and open to the public. Any and all who care to comment on the proposed closure are encouraged to attend, or send your comments by email (see below).

Additional Info:

If you cannot attend, email your thoughts to the Solid Waste Board at

It’s also a good idea to send your comments to the County Commissioners, as they can override the decision of the Solid Waste Board, either way. (see below for more information and a sample letter opposed to the Board’s plan).

What has the local media reported about this controversy? See below. (more…)

Looking for repurposing inspiration?

Monday, January 7th, 2013

by Catherine Haug, January 7, 2012

In researching additional info for yesterday’s Kitchen Hint, I stumbled across a blog with lots of great ideas and information on repurposing – using/reusing an old or familiar item in a new way. Repurposing (and it’s close cousin ‘upcycling’) is the second choice on the Reduce-Reuse-Recycle icon.

Check it out at Repurposeful blog. Here are a few ideas from their archives that caught my eye: