Archive for the ‘Shop Local’ Category

Diet, Lifestyle and Health Care Cost

Sunday, March 21st, 2010

by Catherine Haug

It may surprise you to learn that certain diseases or health conditions that are now commonplace, were practically unheard of until the early 1900s. This includes:

  • diabetes
  • clogged arteries (abnormal cholesterol and triglycerides)
  • heart disease
  • high blood pressure
  • obesity
  • periodontal disease

In fact, type-1 diabetes was quite rare, and type-2 diabetes was unheard of. Yes, people did have heart attacks, but it was not the frequent killer, and at such young ages, that it is today.  Even cancer was not as common then as now. (more…)

Organics from China

Saturday, March 6th, 2010

by Catherine Haug

Have you seen the 5 minute video from ABC I-Team on Organic frozen food from China, sold at Whole Foods Markets? This includes foods such as spinach, sugar snap peas, and California Blend veggies. If you haven’t seen this, you might want to check it out.

Now, we don’t (yet) have a Whole Foods Market in the Flathead, but see below for other stores in our area that do carry “Product of China” Organic frozen foods.

NOTE: the YouTube video indicates that since this report first aired, WFs’ ‘California Blend’ is now USA organic. But what about their other frozen veggies?

What’s the problem with Organics from China? (more…)

Introducing Flathead Valley Locavores

Wednesday, February 10th, 2010

by Catherine Haug

Are you a locavore? That is, someone who eats exclusively – or at least primarily – food from their local area? If so, or if you’re just curious, read on, about a new Facebook Community for Locavores in the Flathead, and about a Locavore opportunity. (more…)

Natural vs Organic Labeling

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

by Catherine Haug (April 6, 2010; updated Feb 9, 2011)

Recent polls indicate most shoppers consider “Natural” to be better (more healthful) than “Organic.” If this is also your opinion, you’re in for a shock. Check out this 4 minute video from the Cornucopia Institute, comparing ‘Natural’ boxed cereals and granola with Organic: Natural vs Organic Cereal.

  • ‘Organic’ is a certified and verified by the USDA, with rules governing it’s use;
  • ‘Natural’ can be used without any certification and on any product, there are no rules governing its use, and there is no verification by anyone that the statement is true. ‘Natural’ food products can be contaminated with pesticides, herbicides and other toxic chemicals.

So between these two choices on similar products, you’d be better off with the ‘Organic’ label than the ‘Natural’ label. That is, unless the ‘Natural’ grower/producer is local and you can verify his methods.

You can view a video from NBC’s Today Show, discussing food labeling at Food For Thought: Understanding Labels (aired March 26, 2010).

See also related ESP posts: Report on Organic Eggs (2010) and Eggs: A Buyer’s Guide.

The Organic Label

Single-ingredient foods such as produce and eggs have only one label, “Organic.”

But things get confusing when the food has more than one ingredient (processed food and pasteurized dairy products). There are three different levels of “Organic” (From the Certified Organic Label Guide): (more…)

Industrial vs Local Dairy Farms

Monday, January 18th, 2010

by Catherine Haug

Encouraging the production and consumption of locally produced foods is considered an ‘essential’ by ESP. Not only will it become a necessity when grocery shelves are empty (because of dwindling fuel supplies and escalating prices), but it is also important now, to support our local producers and ensure food is available when that dire time arrives.

And milk is no exception. We are down to two dairy farms in the Flathead, and they need our support. (See the last section of this post titled ‘Support our Local Dairies’ for more on this topic, including an Organic dairy in Victor MT).

But there are also many other reasons to select local milk over commercial milk found in our grocery stores, and they have to do with how the milk is produced, and the downstream effects of that production. (more…)

Food Safety & Pasteurization

Saturday, August 22nd, 2009

by Catherine Haug

I recently wrote an 1500-word essay on the topic of food safety and pasteurization. It is fairly technical and addresses the following topics:

  • Why is food safety an issue instead of a given?
  • Methods of pasteurization for milk and other foods
  • Discussion of living foods (raw and cultured)
  • Denaturation of proteins by heat (cooking and pasteurization)
  • Destruction of probiotics, enzymes, cofactors and vitamins by pasteurization

To learn more, refer to my essay: Food Safety & Pasteurization (pdf file).