Archive for the ‘Community’ Category

Protect a deceased’s identity from thieves

Thursday, March 14th, 2013

by Catherine Haug, March 14, 2013

There are many scams afoot to steal your identity, or that of your aging or deceased parents, according to the March 2013 AARP Bulletin: Scam Alert: Protecting the Dead From Identity Theft, by Sid Kirchheimer. But you don’t have to be a victim. Here are 6 steps to protect your loved one’s identity (from the Bulletin). NOTE: numbers in square brackets [n] refer to Cat’s Notes below the list. (more…)

Learning from your grandparents could save your life

Sunday, February 3rd, 2013

by Catherine Haug, February 3, 2013

As a kid, I used to follow my Dad around the house and yard, watching (and little did I know, learning) what he did. My Dad was in his 60s; when he retired, he became the homemaker and my Mom became the provider, managing our bar. Having been a bachelor until 1946 (he was 55),  he only knew homemaking the old-fashioned way that he had learned from his Victorian-era parents.

It turns out, these were things that made for a rich and healthful life, and if we would return to at least some of these old-fashioned ways, our lives would be richer and more healthful, according to Dr. Alexandra Carrasco. Read on for more. (more…)

10 Surprising Ways to Strengthen your Health

Saturday, February 2nd, 2013

by Catherine Haug, February 1, 2013

How many times have your heard that coffee (or chocolate, or alcohol) is bad for your health? Do you believe it? Do you say ‘moderation in all things?’ or ‘You gotta live while you can?

The January-February AARP newsletter had an interesting article by Nissa Simon: 10 Tips for Better Health, and what they say may certainly surprise you. (more…)

Event Notice: Security and medical response systems, by Vic Kautzman, Feb 21, 2013

Friday, February 1st, 2013

by Catherine Haug, Feb 1, 2013, from Bigfork Emergency Response Team (BERT)

  • What: BERT hosts a presentation by Vic Kautzman, Security Consultant with Federal Protection of Montana. Vic will discuss the changing environment around us and how it relates to the benefits of a security system.  He will explain the types of devices, approximate system costs, monitoring, and expected response times.  He will also discuss the medical personal response systems available.
  • When: Feb 21, 2013, 7 PM – 8 PM
  • Where: Bigfork Middle School Cafeteria
  • Who: Free and Open to the public – all are welcome
  • For more information: Contact Beverly, (406) 420-2210

BERT Mission: Raising awareness and planning for emergencies in the Bigfork, Montana area.


Event Notice: Comment on Proposed Closure of Bigfork Green Box Site, Jan 22, 2013

Wednesday, January 16th, 2013

by Catherine Haug, January 15, 2013 (from a local flyer)

Did you know that the county plans to close our green box site on Hwy 83 near Bigfork Stage? Join fellow Bigfork Citizens who care, at the meeting of the Solid Waste Board.

  • What: Meeting of Flathead County Solid Waste Board
  • When:Tuesday, January 22, 2013, 3 PM
  • Where: Fathead Co. Solid waste Office; 4098 Hwy 93 N, Kalispell MT (Turn west at the landfill)
  • Who: Free, and open to the public. Any and all who care to comment on the proposed closure are encouraged to attend, or send your comments by email (see below).

Additional Info:

If you cannot attend, email your thoughts to the Solid Waste Board at

It’s also a good idea to send your comments to the County Commissioners, as they can override the decision of the Solid Waste Board, either way. (see below for more information and a sample letter opposed to the Board’s plan).

What has the local media reported about this controversy? See below. (more…)

Local Montana Food Info Resources

Friday, January 11th, 2013

by Catherine Haug, January 11, 2013

It seems like things are really happening regarding local food sources in Montana and Western Montana. Here are just a few exciting projects:

If you are concerned about the future access to food, and food sustainability in our community, I urge you to become active in any/all of these projects. We may not always have Costco and Walmart.
