Archive for the ‘Community’ Category

NYC 4th grader’s video about school lunches

Saturday, June 27th, 2015
Red Apple

Red Apple

by Catherine Haug, June 27, 2015 (Photo, right, from Wikimedia Commons)

I don’t pretend to be an expert on our national school lunch program, nor even what is served at our own local Bigfork Schools today. I do remember what was served when I was in school.

It seems that in New York City, things are much worse than what I experienced in 1950s-60s Bigfork Schools’ lunch room. Check out this entertaining 20 minute video by 4th grader Zachary Maxwell. (more…)

Estate Planning for your digital/online accounts

Friday, May 22nd, 2015

By Catherine Haug, May 22, 2015

The information in this post is paraphrased from an article in the AARP Magazine, February-March 2014 issue: Online, Forever After, by Carrie Arnold.

Have you ever wondered what would happen with all the things you have online:  financial data, social media posts, photos, music, books, etc. purchased from iTunes and other online sources, passwords, etc.? I found this AARP article quite enlightening about topics I’d not thought of before.

The most important thing is to start planning now, before the unexpected happens. (more…)

Montana Co-op’s Farmers Market, Thursdays

Tuesday, May 19th, 2015

By Catherine Haug, May 16, 2015

  • What: Montana Co-op’s Farmers Market (locally produced food and non-food items)
  • When: Every Thursday, beginning May 21, 2015, 3 PM – 7 PM
  • Where: Polson HUB, 401 Main St., Polson MT; (406) 319-2000
    (will be outdoors if good weather; indoors if bad)
  • Who: Open to the public. Local farmers and producers invited to set up a table (cost of $5 per table); come at least 30 minutes early.
  • For more info: Contact Jason (406) 319-2000; and read on for more detail. See also


Montana Coop at the Dragon Boat Race

Wednesday, September 10th, 2014

By Catherine Haug, Sept 9, 2014

The Montana Co-op is a virtual farmers market that currently encompasses food producers in western Montana, but will eventually include the entire state. Currently there are two food hubs: Ronan and Polson; work will start on establishing a Bigfork hub in the near future.

For more information about the co-op, you can see earlier posts on this topic at Postings about Montana Co-op; see also the Gathering Notice: Montana Co-op, a virtual farmers market from July 2012 for links to handouts from Jason’s presentation in Bigfork, and my post: Montana Co-op: Open to new Memberships, for lots more information. View the Co-op’s website:

The Coop is preparing for the Dragon Boat race in Bigfork, with a Kid’s Coop team. Two separate events are listed below:

  • Montana Coop, Kid’s Coop dragon boat team meetings and practice
  • Two Montana Coop Booths at the Dragon Boat Race


Bigfork/Ferndale Community Garden 2014 Update

Monday, September 8th, 2014

by Catherine Haug, Sept 8, 2014 (photo, below, by Sally Finneran/ Bigfork Eagle, used with permission)

Bigfork/Ferndale Community Garden, 2014

Bigfork/Ferndale Community Garden, 2014

The garden is located next to St. Patrick’s Episcopal Church, near the corner of Hwy 209 and South Ferndale Road in Ferndale. ESP helped start the garden in 2007, and a member of our core team – Mona Rae Tuhy – is the Master Gardener. This project has come a long way since its humble beginnings, with seventy-two 4X4 Square Foot Gardening plots actively maintained (2).

Participating in the community has several benefits; you can:

  • Grow your own food or flowers;
  • Grow food for the Bigfork Food Pantry (see below for more);
  • Participate in the  gardening community that forms naturally between the members, making new friends;
  • Help less experienced gardeners or get help from more experienced gardeners.

If you are interested in buying a plot for next year, contact Garden Chairperson Michelle Patterson (406-837-0982) or Master Gardener MonaRae Tuhy (406-837-9979). Plots cost $15 for the season if purchased before June 1, 2015; after that date, the price is $20.

See also related article in the Bigfork Eagle, by Sally Finneran: Community garden thrives in Ferndale (1) (more…)

Sharing your garden’s bounty with local food pantry

Sunday, September 7th, 2014


Cat's First Garden: Lettuce, Spinach, Garlic and Onion

Cat’s First Garden: Lettuce, Spinach, Garlic and Onion

By Catherine Haug, September 7, 2014 (photo, right, of Cat’s first garden, by Cat)

Many of us in the Flathead valley have gardens (or participate in a community garden). At the same time, many are going hungry. There’s a great program that connects these two groups in the same community: Ample Harvest.

Mercola featured this in an article this week (1), that includes an hour-long YouTube video about Ample Harvest, with Gary Oppenheimer (2). Mercola’s emphasis in his article is two fold:

  • the ‘feel good’ aspect of helping to feed the hungry; and
  • solving food waste.

If you’re like me, you grow more food than your family can eat. What do you do with the excess? I give to neighbors and friends, but there is still food left over which inevitably ends up in my compost pile to nurture next year’s garden. While this is better than throwing it in the garbage, there is a better use for your leftover bounty.

Read on for a program to minimize food waste and hunger in your community, and about the partnership between the Bigfork/Ferndale Community Garden and the Bigfork Food Pantry. (more…)