Archive for the ‘Community’ Category

Local Dairy with Milk Delivery?

Wednesday, March 25th, 2009

by Catherine Haug

I was reading an old copy of Cooking Light magazine today, and encountered an article I just had to copy and transcribe here. Could what was once considered ‘old,’ a thing of the past, become new again in the Bigfork area?

Read on for the interview with a modern milkman, and my hope for Bigfork.  See also  our interview with Joe Brenneman, a local dairy farmer. (more…)

Salinas Valley Going Dry; Implications for the Flathead

Saturday, March 21st, 2009

Greetings!  I’m Steve Eisenberg, a member of the ESP community.

I recently attended the Swan Ecosystem Center event on Honeybees in the Ecosystem, and posted my notes from that event.  I went, in part, because a friend and local bee-keeper is interested in the problem known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).

I met with my local bee-keeper friend who had shipped his hives to the Salinas Valley for the February almond pollination. His crew reported  that there is a major shortage of water in the Salinas Valley and that they are not expecting California to ship Montana much produce this summer.   My bee-keeper friend went as far as to rototill several acres of his lower valley property and to plant vegetable crops.

Based on this news, I’ve decided to purchase a share from a local organic nursery and am readying my greenhouse to deal with the expected shortfall in California produce.

If you, too, are concerned about the potential shortfall, you might consider joining one of the CSAs in the valley.  Or get involved in a community garden. has a listing of community gardens in our area, including Kalispell and Whitefish.  ESP is working with the Episcopal Church in Ferndale, to create a community garden on their property (Contact Cat or Edd for more information).

Another great resource is the Farm Hands Map, to locate local food producers in the Flathead.

Local Milk in the Flathead: Interview with Joe Brenneman

Tuesday, March 17th, 2009

July 18, 2008, the ESP core team (Edd Blackler, Edmund Fitzgerald, Sally Janover and Catherine Haug) invited County Commissioner and local dairyman Joe Brenneman for an interview about milk production in the Flathead.  This was shortly after the Meadow Gold Dairy shut down its processing plant in Kalispell, converting it to a distribution warehouse.  There are currently two commercial dairy farmers in the valley:  Brenneman and Hedstrom, both of whom had sold their milk to Meadow Gold, and now sell to Country Classics. (more…)

Greening-Up at Bigfork Schools

Saturday, February 28th, 2009

by Sally Janover

According to Pam Willison, a teacher at Bigfork, there are several green projects in the works at Bigfork Schools:

  • School Garden:  The Elementary School has a plot on their grounds for a veggie garden; the High School Bio Club is considering an offer of assistance.  
  • Earth Day 2009:  The school is also making plans to celebrate Earth Day 2009:  The Green Generation, on April 22.  The Bio club is preparing a 30 minute power-point presentation that will be shown the week leading up to Earth Day.  This presentation will cover garbage from the landfill backward to our school and what each student should be doing.
  • Recycling:  The students have contracted with the Green Machine, a recycling service in Kalispell, to pick up recyclables at the school.  This probably does not include glass.  The elementary, middle, and high schoosl will be working on the fund raising to pay the monthly fee for the service.
