Archive for the ‘Community’ Category

Foraging for Native Food: Event Opportunities 2011

Tuesday, April 26th, 2011

Wild Asparagus

by Catherine Haug

Can you really find adequate nourishment growing wild in the Flathead? Oh sure, you can hunt, fish and pick huckleberries, but what about salad greens, veggies, nuts, seeds and other fruits?

The answer is an abundant YES! Native Americans from our area were successful hunter-gatherers, at least until America moved west. Early pioneers also relied on foraging for their sustenance. And the day may surely arrive when we, too, must depend on our knowledge of what is/is not edible, and where to look for these foods.

To learn more, read on… (more…)

Event Summary: Bigfork Prepares for 2011 Flooding (042111)

Tuesday, April 19th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, April 22, 2011

With mountain snowpack estimated as at least 150% of normal, county and emergency services predict both the Flathead and Swan Rivers and their tributaries will experience flooding this year. Members of the greater Bigfork community met Thursday April 21 to learn more about potential impacts and what we can/should do to prepare.

Additionally, a meeting on how to prepare a 72-hour food pack for $20 is planned for  Tuesday April 26, 2011, 6 PM, Bigfork High School Music Room.

Here’s a summary of the April 21 session.


Saving the World Begins in our own Community

Thursday, April 14th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, April 12, 2011

I was touched by the message in this 4 minute video about the Seva Cafe in India (click the link below to view):

Seva Cafe: Love All, Serve All

“Seva, or service, is the selfless giving of oneself for the betterment of others and the world around. At Seva Cafe, the concept of service takes the form of a “pay it forward” restaurant, where every meal is cooked and served with love.”

Our ESP Community

One of the cornerstones of ESP is our community of members who regularly attend our events, and pass on their interest in our work, to fellow community members. Without all of you, we would not be the success that we are. With you, we are indeed becoming a stronger community of connected people. And in so doing, even though we are but a drop of water in the oceans of the world, we have a positive impact on our precious earth and all her inhabitants.

We want to thank ALL our members for your support and interest in ESP.

Celebrate Earth Day 2011! Come to our April Gathering on Gardening Tips, with Julian Cunningham, April 20, 2011, 7 PM, Clementine’s.

Got Food?

Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

Editorial note: The following article, submitted April 5, 2011, was originally entered as a “comment” to our post: Upcoming Food Shortages: Why and How to Prepare, Apr 2, 2011.

Got Food?

by Robert Seymour

“You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you just might find…
You get what you need” (1)

At a time when per capita global food production and national food self sufficiency ratios are shrinking, a hungry world is set to grow by another 1.6 billion people in the next fifteen years.  This is like adding another China to the world population. China has now replaced Japan as the second largest economy and has become the number one importer of oil after the United States.  As economic pressure on already scarce natural resources intensifies, the availability of locally grown food will be worth its weight in gold. (more…)

Upcoming Food Shortages: Why and How to Prepare

Saturday, April 2nd, 2011

D. Bates Garden in August

by Catherine Haug, April 2, 2011

(photo by Don Bates)

One of the topics which brought our ESP community together back in 2009, was the rising cost of fuel and anticipated food shortages on grocers shelves. While those stimuli relaxed for awhile, they are still present, and some predict they could get out of hand this summer.

We continue to focus on food and food availability; last month our gathering topic was Garden Season Extenders by Don Bates, and this month will be Gardening Tips by Julian Cunningham.

Check out this inspiring March 30, 2011 article from Counter Currents blog: Garden As If Your Life Depended On It, Because It Will, by Ellen LaConte. (more…)

AAA Poll: Future of Personal Transportation

Saturday, April 2nd, 2011

by Catherine Haug, March 30.2011

AAA (American Automobile Assoc.) recently did a poll of its membership concerning the future of personal transportation. Members were given 4 choices and asked to pick one of the four. Here are the results: (more…)