Archive for the ‘Community’ Category

Connecting to Others: Farmgirl Sisterhood

Saturday, December 10th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, Dec 7, 2011

There’s a new community group of interest to those of us who are learning the old, time-tested and low energy methods of gardening, food preparation and homemaking in general. There are several chapters in the Flathead (see below), including one in Bigfork. To learn more about this growing national organization, check out The Farmgirl Sisterhood website.

“We are Sisters — a sisterhood of farmgirls. We’re country, we’re city, and every texture and stripe in between. It’s not at all about where we live, but how we live.”

“Farmgirl is a condition of the heart.” (more…)

Preparing for, and Surviving our Future

Monday, November 14th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, November 11, 2011

From the Organic Consumers Association or OCA (1):

“Surviving the Approaching Storm

We are fast approaching a tipping point in terms of climate disruption, food production, financial meltdown, and Peak Oil.

To survive and thrive in turbulent times we will need to organize ourselves at the grassroots level to carry out a series of Organic Transitions – not only in terms of food and farming, but also in transportation, housing, health, and education.

While remaining engaged in pressing governments and businesses to green and revitalize the economy and stabilize the climate, OCA believes that we must “dig in” and prepare ourselves locally and regionally to become as “organic” and self-reliant as possible.”

We at ESP are at the forefront of this transition, by working locally to prepare for the approaching storm, and living more healthfully and happily in the process. See Surviving the Approaching Storm for the rest of the OCA article which focuses on the premise that “Organic can feed the world”. (more…)

Event Summary: Cider Press at Tamarack Time! Oct 15,2011

Wednesday, October 26th, 2011

Raw cider from press

by Catherine Haug

Despite forecasts of rain and cold, the weather cleared off just as we were setting up on the deck of La Provence. It was a beautiful day! We started grinding and pressing the first apples around 11:30, and continued without stop until 4:30. Lots of new people brought apples or stopped by to check out our operation.

Jeffrey’s latest modification to his grinder added a bicycle to power the grinder in tandem with the stair stepper – perfect for couples to work together. Our youngest helper, Caleb Riedesel (kindergarden), helped by working the stair stepper! and with pouring cider into the jugs.

14 individuals/families brought apples; a total of 70 gallons of cider was pressed (last year we pressed 44 gallons).

A big THANK YOU to all who brought apples and/or volunteered to wash & rinse apples, feed the grinder, work the stair-stepper and/or bicycle, pour cider into jugs, and give out tasters. Thanks also to Jeffrey for the use of his grinder, and to Marc Guizol for the use of his deck. And thanks to my fellow ESP core team members for your dedication to this community event.

We have no new photos this year, but you can see lots of photos from last year’s cider press event at Event Summary: Cider Press at Tamarack Time, Oct 9, 2010.


When Bigfork was a truly local community

Sunday, October 16th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, October 16, 2011

Back in 2009 I wrote a letter to the editor of the Daily InterLake about the community I remember as a child; a community I am now helping to revive through my work with ESP. In case you missed it back then, I’ve copied it below. That is followed by a discussion of “What makes a viable, local community.” (more…)

Event Notice: Films to Change Your World

Wednesday, October 12th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, October 8, 2011

What: Montana Wilderness Association hosts SYRCL’s Wild and Scenic Film Festival: “Films to Change Your World.(more…)

Gathering Summary: Repurposing & Other Innovations, September 21, 2011

Thursday, September 29th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, September 29, 2011; updated Oct 7, 2011 to add upgraded video of slideshow

(clip art from

We were a small but enthusiastic audience for the Repurposing-2011 event, with good discussion. None of our presenters were able to come in  person, but eight different projects were represented in the slideshow.

Updated YouTube Video of Slideshow

You can view a NEW video version on You Tube (see video screen below) with upgraded slide quality and a new soundtrack! (more…)