Archive for the ‘Community’ Category

Swallow Crest Farm to return to CSA format

Thursday, February 2nd, 2012

by Catherine Haug, February 1, 2012

Julian Cunningham of Swallow Crest Farm is pleased to announce he is returning to the CSA format for 2012, after the 2011 season of farmers markets and building construction. For more information, see:

In the past Julian has encouraged CSA members to come help out at the farm; while this is not a requirement of membership, it is a great way to get exercise, meet other members, and learn Julian’s Organic methods. For more information,

This year, as in the past, I will share a half-share with the Blacklers. The food is delicious; sometimes you get something you’ve never tried before (but be brave and try it!), but in my opinion, you always get your money’s worth. Sometimes I’ve been hard pressed to eat up my bounty before the next week arrives. Plus you get opportunities to bulk-purchase certain foods, such as Organic Flathead Cherries, or vegetables that can be stored through the winter in your root cellar.

See also Julian’s presentation for ESP last year: Gathering Summary: Gardening in NW Montana, by Julian Cunningham, Apr 20, 2011.

What is a CSA? (more…)

Scary Foods (or why we should support local food producers)

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

by Catherine Haug, January 26, 2012

Supporting local food producers (gardeners, CSAs, farmers, orchards, ranchers, dairies, etc.) is not only an excellent way to build a strong community, but also the best way to ensure the quality and healthfulness of the foods you and your family eat. A side benefit is a cleaner, sustainable environment and  reduced energy consumption. You can effect food production practices by voting with your dollars.

Given the basic truth of “you are what you eat,” I am astounded at the toxic and unhealthful junk so many of us eat without giving it a second thought. Big Ag and its control of our media have certainly done a good job at getting us to make unhealthy choices voluntarily and enthusiastically. The problem is endemic in our society and affects all aspects of our diet.


Knitting for Kids in Need

Wednesday, February 1st, 2012

Cat's felted hat; knit scarf & mittens

by Catherine Haug, February 1, 2012 (photo, right, by Cat)

Christmas For Kids is a local non-profit group in the Flathead. The information below concerns Lakeside, but surely we have kids in need throughout the valley – even right here in Bigfork.

February’s gathering topic (The Craft of Knitting, etc., with Carol Marie, February 15, 2012 is all about knitting and related crafts. If you would like to knit but don’t know how, contact Carol Marie at Witty Knitters (837-5648) for information on classes. Also, I knit and have taught knitting in the past and am willing to take on 1 – 2 students who would start by knitting scarves for kids – scarves are the easiest item to knit.

Read on for information from Barb Hicks regarding this local Christmas for Kids project. (more…)

Bigfork Nordic Center

Thursday, January 26th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, from Dave Hadden, January 26, 2012

Did you know that Bigfork has a Nordic Center for cross-country skiing? It is one of two centers offered by the North Shore Nordic Club; the other is the Blacktail Nordic Center.

While it has been there for more than a year, this year the Bigfork center has seen significant improvements. The snow on the trails have been packed and groomed; map signs and trail signs are in place to help you find your way.

[Special thanks to the Community Foundation for a Better Bigfork and the Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks Recreational Grant program for significant financial support of all the changes and improvements.]


Legislative & Other Government Contacts

Tuesday, January 17th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, January 17, 2012

I just added a link in the right-hand column of our home page, called “Contact our Government” under a bold heading of “Government”. This link goes to an ESP page that provides links to government officials at the Federal, State and County (Flathead, Lake) levels of government. Below is a photo-image of the link so you can see what it looks like:

I hope you find this contact page useful. Check it out:

Contact our Government

Bigfork Senior Center Gets a Makeover

Saturday, January 14th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, January 14, 2012

Exciting changes are in store at our community’s senior center, beginning with a new director and exciting plans for a makeover. Since none of the proposed changes can happen without the help of our community, and since part of our ESP mission is to build a strong community, I propose that we step up to the plate. We can:

  • make suggestions to enhance what the center offers;
  • volunteer our time;
  • make donations or suggest potential donors;
  • join other seniors for lunch at the center; and
  • attend other activities offered by the center.

Read on for more, including Cat’s ideas to enhance what the center offers. (more…)