Archive for the ‘Agriculture’ Category

The importance of grassland (info-graphic)

Friday, November 27th, 2015

By Catherine Haug, Thanksgiving 2015

This amazing info-graphic about the importance of grassland for the health of the planet and to reverse climate change by minimizing greenhouse gases, is from Mercola. For a larger version of the info-graphic, see Mercola’s page: ‘Grassland Facts: Why Grasslands Are Important Infographic‘ (1).  That page also provides a button to download a High-Res version. (more…)

Controversy over GMO labeling heats up

Wednesday, November 25th, 2015


By Catherine Haug (image, right, from Organic Consumers Assoc., used with permission)

It is no secret that the fight to label GMOs is fraught with controversy. Three states (Vermont, Connecticut, and Maine) have mandated the labeling, but Big Ag is spending big bucks to fight back. Are you ready to defend our Right to Know? (more…)

Enlist Duo (Glyphosate and 2,4-D) pesticide revoked by EPA

Wednesday, November 25th, 2015


by Catherine Haug (image, right, from Organic Consumers Assoc., used with permission)

Today’s breaking news is good news for those of us opposed to GMOs and the use of toxic pesticides. Both glyphosate (Roundup) and 2,4-D (part of Agent Orange) are known to be toxic and harmful for human health, yet they are heavily sprayed on GMO crops resistant to them, to kill the weeds that compete with the crops. Anyone (human, livestock, etc.)  who eats the crop (corn, soy, and others) gets the poison too. (Note that this product was only recently approved by the EPA in October 2015)

“The EPA said it received new information from Dow AgroSciences – the registrant of Enlist Duo – that suggests two active ingredients could result in greater toxicity to non-target plants.” (1) It then issued a ruling that may effectively end the threat of “Agent Orange Corn.” (more…)

Event Notice: Northwest Montana Beekeepers Group, Nov. 24, 2015

Wednesday, October 28th, 2015


From Jason Moore, Polson, 10/27/15 (Photo, right, from Bug Guide (1))

Northwest Montana Beekeepers Group meets:

  • 4th Tuesday of each month, at 6:45pm; upcoming November meeting will be 11/24/15
  • Montana Co-op, at at 401 Main St, Polson. (SE corner of 4th ave. and Main st.)
  • potluck followed by a meet and greet.  Come with your ideas and questions.
  • Current and prospective beekeepers are welcome.

For more information, contact Jason Moore,, Montana Co-op,  35849 Mud Lake Trail, Polson, MT 59860.

On a related topic, see a 2010 posting about Flathead Beekeepers (2).


  2. Flathead Beekeepers Club (article):

Bacterial contamination of produce, including Organic

Saturday, August 22nd, 2015


By Catherine Haug, August 21, 2015 (Photo, right, from Wikipedia)

The lifestyle blog, Take Part, featured an article today titled Your Organic Spinach Could Be More Dangerous Than Meat, by Willy Blackmore (1). At issue is contamination of vegetable crops, both Organic and conventional, primarily by contaminated animal waste (primarily from CAFOs – Confinement Animal Feeding Operations) leaching into ground water.

A classic example was a 39-state recall of E. coli-contaminated spinach a few years back, that was caused by animal waste from a nearby CAFO leaching into groundwater regularly used to water the crops. Similar recalls have involved listeria and other pathogens.

Data from the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) indicate food-borne illness is far more likely from produce, than for poultry, seafood, red meat, eggs or dairy (2).

What is the solution to this problem? (more…)

“Why are we being fed by a poison expert?”

Thursday, June 25th, 2015

By Catherine Haug, June 25, 2015 (The title of this post is a quote from the Food Revolution website (1))

Who might that expert be? And why is that statement true? Watch this video to find out. It’s only 5 minutes and it is “humorous, entertaining, and chillingly accurate”. (1)

If the video doesn’t appear below, you can find it on the Food Revolution (1) and The Guardian (2) websites. Please feel free to share this with others.

And Just say no to GMOs. (more…)