Archive for the ‘Agriculture’ Category

GMO Documentary: “David vs Monsanto” – Free viewing

Saturday, November 3rd, 2012

by Catherine Haug, November 3, 2012

There is a very short window of opportunity for FREE viewing of this 2009 film about a Canadian farmer who stood up to Monsanto over GMO Canola. Percy Schmeiser won not only a victory for his own farm and family, but for all the farmers across Canada. His victory may also positively affect farmers & consumers in the US as well.

Dr. Mercola ( has arranged for free online viewing of this film at your leisure, through November 10. If the YouTube viewer does not display below, you can view it at YouTube: David vs Monsanto. I highly recommend watching it full-screen (the icon in the lower right corner – farthest right). The film is a little longer than 1 hour and well worth the watch. Mr. Schmeiser is a powerful and inspiring speaker.

For more information


Drought & Warming Climate in Montana

Sunday, September 2nd, 2012

Soapberry Shrub

by Catherine Haug, Sept 2, 2012

Photo by Catherine Haug

First I want to be clear on this point: this post is not about whether our warming trend is human caused. This post is about what we all are observing this year throughout Montana, and what we can – and should- do to avert trouble from the drought.

The last two winters, Montana was blessed with heavy snowfall in the mountains, and we all rejoiced that drought was over. Little did we guess that this summer would be one of the driest on record and that drought east of the divide would be so intense and devastating to our forests and our agricultural economy.

It’s not been as bad here in Western Montana, but yesterday, I found strong evidence of the effect of increasing drought in my own yard. (more…)

Pollinators: Critically Important Partners

Sunday, August 12th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, August 12, 2012

The summer issue of Organic Matters, the magazine of Montana Organic Association (MOA) had a great article on Pollinators: Your Stealthy Partners, by Anna Jones-Crabtree of Vilicus Farms (in Havre (2)), with Jennifer Hopwood of the Xerces Society (3).

At a recent short course on pollinators in Great Falls, the only farmers in attendance were Organic! Now that tells you something … For key points from the short course, with my notes added, read on.


Preparing for widespread drought

Saturday, August 11th, 2012

Dryland Farming-Palouse

by Catherine Haug, August 11, 2012

(Photo, right, from Wikipedia)

We’ve all heard about the disastrous drought in the high plains and midwest portions of our country – from Nebraska to Texas; Colorado to Kentucky. Just the other day, the Daily Interlake carried an article about the drying and heating up of rivers in Nebraska and Iowa, a problem that is cooking fish to death as the streams exceed 90° F.

While we haven’t yet felt the drought here in NW Montana (and the rest of the Pacific NW), that doesn’t mean that we won’t feel it in future years. Yes, it’s hard to look at the high water in our reservoirs and lakes, and think that a drought could happen. But our part of the state did experience drought during the dust bowl years.

As the drought conditions spread to more states, including ours, how will we cope? How will we feed and water our livestock? How will we nurture our gardens? Will our water supplies hold up? Where will our food come from? (more…)

Montana Co-op seeking new member-owners

Saturday, August 11th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, August 10, 2012

ESP’s July gathering was a presentation by Jason Moore about the Montana Co-op – A Virtual Farmers Market that promotes buying local food and Montana-made products through online access. While the Co-op is not yet ready for business, they are presently working on their on-line store/website and raising capital through new memberships and grants.  They hope to be up and running before the end of the year.

The Co-op’s intent is to provide access to fresh, local, affordable food – and Montana made products – to everyone in western Montana. Eventually they hope to encompass the entire state. But they cannot do this without member-owners who join now.

This project is about:

  • Montana people/businesses working with each other to improve the local economy and bring Montana products to Montana people;
  • Building a strong local and Montana community;
  • Creating Montana jobs; and
  • Feeding people and ensuring a sustainable food supply for all Montanans.

All of these points are consistent with ESP’s mission of building community and living sustainably. Read on for information on how to join, if this interests you. (more…)

Montana Coop: the Regional Food Hub Distribution Plan

Saturday, August 4th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, August 4, 2012

At our July gathering on the Montana Coop, presented by Jason Moore, we learned they are investigating a new type of food distribution system, different from that used by Azure Standard and other online coops such as Oklahoma and Boise.

I’m currently working on the event summary, and hope to have it finished for the next newsletter, Meanwhile, read on for lots of good information and links on:

  • This food distribution system project,
  • Upcoming community meetings regarding the food hubs
  • Supporting local producers,
  • Making it work (education, cooperation, coaching),
  • Promoting wellness (food as medicine), and
  • Creating local jobs. (more…)