Archive for the ‘Agriculture’ Category

GMOs – The Tipping Point Network (TPN) Informational Flyer

Saturday, February 2nd, 2013


by Catherine Haug, February 2, 2013

(image, right, used by permission from Organic Consumers Association)

Don’t know what GMO is and why you should be concerned? See my earlier posts:

Or see Institute for Responsible Technology, or their Tipping Point Network. See also flyer GMO Tipping Point Montana Contact Flyer-3 (pdf)

Right now, GMO is not required on labels, so it’s not so easy to spot these foods. The key is knowing what else to look for on the label that hints at GMOs. For example, any processed food (boxed, canned, etc.)  containing corn, soy or canola ingredients is highly likely to contain GMO. To learn more, see the Non-GMO Shopping Guide (pdf).

But the sure way to know when a food contains GMO, is to require it on the label. If you are in favor of mandatory labeling of any food containing GMO ingredients, listen-up. ESP is working on a future event to educate people about GMOs and their harm, and about the GMO-Labeling effort. It’s also about how to increase awareness in our own community about the harm of GMO foods. Meanwhile, you can help.

Last month, a group of Montanans got together to launch a GMO-Awareness effort across our state, as part of  The Tipping Point Network. TPN aims to get enough states to require labeling of GMO, that our federal legislature will have to follow suit. And that requires enough people to understand the issue, and to get an initiative on the ballot – or otherwise to pressure the state legislature into passing such a law.

We now have a flyer providing contact information for the Montana TPN group, and contact info so people can learn more about GMOs. Print the flyer GMO Tipping Point Montana Contact Flyer-3 (pdf), then post it in your neighborhood, at your church or community center, or at favorite businesses in the valley (with their permission).

Help yourself and your family too; print out the Non-GMO Shopping Guide (pdf) which can help you to avoid GMO foods.

Why processed food & fast food is cheap

Thursday, January 17th, 2013

CAFO Herd of Herefords

by Catherine Haug, Jan 16, 2013

(photo, right, from R. Cummins article on

There are probably many answers to why processed & fast food is cheap; I’ll focus on three major reasons:

  • government subsidies
  • fake food products
  • CAFOs (Confined Animal Feeding Operations)


Local Montana Food Info Resources

Friday, January 11th, 2013

by Catherine Haug, January 11, 2013

It seems like things are really happening regarding local food sources in Montana and Western Montana. Here are just a few exciting projects:

If you are concerned about the future access to food, and food sustainability in our community, I urge you to become active in any/all of these projects. We may not always have Costco and Walmart.


Nutrient Decline in our Food Supply

Thursday, December 13th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, December 11, 2012

We all rely on the quality of our food to sustain us and keep us in good health. We trust that foods of vibrant color are rich in antioxidants and vitamins; for example, beets, oranges, carrots, cherries and berries. We trust that leafy greens with rich, dark color are rich in minerals, vitamins and bitters. We trust that fresh meats and dairy are rich in protein, essential oils, and vitamins.

But is our trust warranted? Certainly prior to the industrial age, that trust was well-placed. But modern agriculture is all about the bottom line, and food quality is often sacrificed in pursuit of that goal. Crops are treated with chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, and refreshed with contaminated waters. Animals are fed these inferior crops, and in many cases fed crops that are not their natural diet. All of this leads to nutritional deficiency in our foods.

Just how bad has it gotten? What can we do to reverse the trend? (more…)

Another Critter to Protect & Encourage in your Yard

Thursday, December 6th, 2012

by Catherine Haug, Dec 4, 2012

Oftentimes those wild critters that we like the least, need our help. For example, honeybees and native bees that are suffering from the overuse of pesticides, yet are so essential for pollination of edible and other plants, landscape and wild flowers, etc..

And now another maligned critter is on Montana’s radar for study and protection: the bat. This nighttime creature has long been feared – most recently because of rabies – but they provide important benefits for those of us who live near water and wetlands, by keeping mosquitos in check, not to mention other insect pests that plague farmers and gardeners.

Bats in eastern parts of North America are under threat from a fungal disease called white nose syndrome. While this disease has not made its way here, Montana has begun a statewide research project to collect baseline data about our state’s bats. Students at Bigfork High School are playing a key role in this project, as reported in a December 3 Flathead Beacon article:  Facing Threat of Disease, Montana Launches Bat Research Project.

Interested in encouraging bats in your yard? Read on. (more…)

Who opposed California’s Prop-37 (GMO labeling)?

Thursday, November 15th, 2012


by Catherine Haug, November 14, 2012

By now I’m sure you heard that California’s Proposition-37 (the Right to Know Act that would mandate labeling of GMOs in foods) was defeated after a massive outpouring of money from GMO companies like Monsanto and DuPont. But you might be surprised to know who else contributed funds to oppose our right to know.

With the holidays coming up, here are some items you may wish to avoid:

  • Libby canned pumpkin,
  • Ocean Spray canned cranberry sauce or Craisins,
  • Land O’Lakes butter,
  • Campbell’s or Swanson chicken & beef broth,
  • Campbell’s Cool Whip
  • Con-Agra Reddi-Whip
  • Idahoan instant mashed potatoes,
  • Godiva chocolates,
  • Meadow Gold dairy,
  • Pepperidge Farm desserts and stuffing mixes.

Curious about more? Interested in boycott? See Companies Fighting Prop-37 and OCA: Boycott Organic-Brand Parent Companies. Below are familiar companies and a few of their brands you can find in our local grocery stores, just in case you want to avoid or boycott them. NOTE: almost all are processed foods and fast-food restaurants. They are not necessarily GMO today, but could be tomorrow. Even some ‘Organic‘ and ‘Natural‘ brands are in the list (indicated as bold-black text), because they are owned by a larger company that supports the use of GMOs.
