Olduvai Forum

Olduvai Forum is currently on hiatus, but here’s what they are about when active:

Olduvai Forum ……

is a group meeting regularly in Bigfork to share films, presentations and discussion on a broad array of contemporary issues relevant to achieving a
sustainable society.

Upcoming subjects will include energy, agriculture, ethics, economics, ecology, growth, community organization, as well as strategies for approaching the challenges of life in the twenty first century.

The format each evening will consist of a primary presentation, which might be a film, a slide presentation, organized readings, or formal talk given by a community member or guest, followed by focused discussion of the topics covered, and how they relate to the general themes of the group.

The forum takes its name from the Olduvai Gorge of northern Tanzania, an area which is widely known for its extremely ancient archeological evidence of early hominids. Sequences of artifacts there begin over two million years ago, and continue to the era of modern humans. Olduvai Gorge is emblematic of the extraordinary journey we have taken as a species, and provides a compelling perspective from which to consider our uncertain future.

Jeffrey Funk  837-4208 metafunk(at)cyberport(dot)net  [Please put OLDUVAI in the subject line.]

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  1. […] to Olduvai Forum, for more information on this […]