Archive for March, 2011

Ancient Healing Remedies for Every Home

Monday, March 7th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, March 2, 2011

What did people do to heal themselves and their family members from disease, prior to the age of modern medicine and pharmaceuticals? Probably the first thing that comes to mind is the use of healing herbs. Chinese and ayurvedic practices may also come to mind. But in addition to these, there are two nearly forgotten remedies that can be used to treat, or at least reduce the symptoms of, almost any illness.

We may not always have access to OTC and prescription drugs. Drought and other factors may make herbal preparations difficult to obtain. But if every home has access to these two simple remedies, we will be ahead of the game. All that is needed is the equipment and clean water.

What are they? Read on. (more…)

Toxic Plastics – Not Just BPA

Friday, March 4th, 2011

by Catherine Haug, March 2, 2011 (photo from NPR article)

We’ve all heard that BPA, the plastic used in water bottles, is toxic because it mimics estrogen, and is classified as an endocrine disrupter. Because of this, most of us avoid food and water products in containers containing BPA: soda bottles, water bottles, canned foods, and traditional home canning lids.

In response, you’ve probably heard me say that all plastics are toxic, even if the media hasn’t reported it, or science hasn’t proved it yet. Furthermore, the production of plastic is not sustainable, whether it is made from petroleum or food crops.

Today, National Public Radio (NPR) released a story by Jon Hamilton: Study: Most Plastics Leach Hormone-Like Chemicals (1) that vindicates my belief for ‘most’ plastics.

This study only looked at hormone-like activity. There are also other ways in which plastics can be toxic; will the remaining ‘safe’ plastics someday be found to be unsafe too?

What about those you use in your home?
