Landscaping for Wildfire Safety

Protect Your Home From Wildfireby Catherine Haug

(Diagram, right is from Living with Fire)

Have you seen the Living with Fire booklet from FireSafe Montana that describes wildfire risk, and how to minimize that risk by modifying your landscaping around your home?

As more and more people build homes in wild areas, the cost of fighting fires has skyrocketed, to protect these at-risk homes. But even urban homes have risk.

This is a very important topic. Please download the booklet (pdf file) at

This 16-page booklet provides information for the following:

  • Living with Fire
  • Fire Behavior
  • Montana’s Fire Environment
  • Survivable space and home ignition zones
  • landscaping – firesafe plant materials
  • Summary: protect your home from wildfire
  • Creating survivable space
  • Wildfire emergency guidelines
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
  • Is your neighborhood prepared
  • What will a firesafe council do for you

For more information


FireSafe Montana

PO Box 1960

Helena MT 59624-1960

(406) 431-8718

execdir(at) [NOTE: email disguised]

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