Community Garden: Compost Update

Community Garden's Deer Fence

Community Garden's Deer Fence

by Catherine Haug

The St. Patrick’s Community Garden in Ferndale is in need of your compost. We recently moved the compost bin inside the deer fence, to keep deer and bear out of the bin.

The fence is not locked and you’ll still be able to dump your compostables. Just remember to close the gate when you leave.

Please do not dump your compost on the pile of wood chips outside the fence.  These chips are for mulching paths inside the garden, in the spring.

Appropriate items for the compost bin:

  • yard debris: lawn clippings, weeds, leaves, branches (break them up a bit), trimmings, etc.
  • kitchen scraps: fruit & veggie trimmings, crushed egg shells, coffee grounds, used fats and oils

Needed: Wood Chips for mulching

The garden is also in need of copious amounts of wood chips, which will be used as mulch for the paths between garden beds. If you wish to donate wood chips, please contact Michelle at 837-0982 or email jlp3(at) [email disguised for security].

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